Errors, bugs, questions - page 1359

Vasiliy Sokolov:
Do you have one?
I do. For debugging purposes, for example, I see no alternative in a multi-module program for quick comparison of two pointers in different modules except printing it as a number in one module and then in another. And within one module it's more convenient to do so as well. Debugging is an important part of the process and must be considered.

In the case of operator=(...) there is no easier solution than to use a.operator=( b ) directly

If they make *A = *B - great!

I was talking about pointer assignment there. You suggested to ban all the arithmetic operations with pointers, replacing them with functions, so the pointer assignment operator would have to be made through a function as well.

Good evening!

I asked the question to the support in different variants, but unfortunately I haven't received an answer.

I want to replace my EA in the marketplace with the new generation, and I want to keep the same name, but replace not only the file itself, but also the screenshots with a description. I cannot add a new product because the name is occupied and I cannot replace screenshots with descriptions when adding a version.

Is it possible to remove an existing version from the marketplace?

Andrey Kotrin:

Good evening!

I asked the question to the support in different variants, but unfortunately I haven't received an answer.

I want to replace my EA in the marketplace with the new generation, and I want to keep the same name, but replace not only the file itself, but also the screenshots with a description. I cannot add a new product because the name is occupied and I cannot replace screenshots with descriptions when adding a version.

Is it possible to remove an existing version from the marketplace?

How to deal with it: go to your product -> edit -> moderator comments -> add a request which screenshots to remove and which to add (at the same time don't forget to attach new screenshots, formatted according to rules).

Product version is also elementary: go to your product -> edit -> versions -> New Version.

Karputov Vladimir:
Обращаться нужно так: зайти в свой продукт -> правка -> комментарии модератора -> добавить просьбу какие скриншоты удалить, а какие - добавить (при этом нужно не забыть приложить новые скриншоты оформленные соответственно правилам).

Версия продукта меняется тоже элементарно: зайти в свой продукт -> правка -> версии -> Новая версия.

Thanks - I'll give it a try!
Alexey Navoykov:
I was speaking there about pointer assignment; you just suggested that all the arithmetic operations with pointers should be forbidden and replaced with functions, which means that the pointer assignment operator must be made through a function too.
That's what I suggested:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

Bugs, bugs, questions

A100, 2015.08.25 14:11

Then if operator==(!=) is defined, it will be called. If not defined, then the pointers will be compared to equality. And if operator==(!=) is defined and pointers need to be compared for equality, then this can be done using the specified template.

Changes in the existing system are minimal and the main thing is that they won't affect those who simply compare pointers on equality without operator==(!=) overloading.

Only the == and != operations are affected by the changes.

Everything else, including operator =, should be left as it is now (unchanged).

But here is how it could work

But one cannot change other operations for the benefit of == and !=, because then their pointer call syntax would be lost, as it is lost for == and !== now. Moreover, it is irretrievably lost (and this cannot be avoided) if there are several operations in an expression, i.e. they cannot be replaced with just functions like in the case of == and !=

Why is there no option to update the MT5 version on individual computers, mainly on dedicated servers? The software does not see if there is an update when connecting to the Metacquotes demo account. How can this be fixed?
Gennadiy Stanilevych:
Why on some computers, mainly on dedicated servers there is no possibility to update МТ5 version? The program does not see the presence of update when connecting to the demo account of MetaQuotes. How do you fix it?
What is the most recent update that you have?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

Bugs, bugs, questions

A100, 2015.08.25 00:21

Haven't received an update in a while: MetaTrader5 build 1159 (connected to MetaQuotes-Demo). Command compiler loads build 1162

What's the latest update you've had?

Haven't turned on the 5 in a while, now updated - 1150 as far back as May 22!!! Robo****x.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Haven't turned on a fiver in a while, now updated - 1150 as far back as 22 May!!! Robo****x.
MetaQuotes-Demo is of interest because before it was updated 2-3 times a month. It is clear that brokers have much less frequent updates.