Errors, bugs, questions - page 1710


In the second picture after the short indicator name LastData there is no last calculated data. While it is on the first picture 244 -363 and on the third 247 -409

This suggests that the indicator is not currently calculated. It is being calculated and the data is not ready. Let me remind you that indicators are calculated in a separate thread, not in the main application thread, which is responsible for rendering, among other things. The indicators are calculated for every incoming tick without exception.

While moving a graph with a mouse you have absorbed computing resources to process system messages from the mouse (open Task Manager and see how cpu percent increases, depending on the intensity of mouse movement). And your indicator just hasn't had time to recalculate. That's why the second graph is blank.

It's much cooler than that, unfortunately. The indicator is fully attached. Link to the branch with details above.
It's much cooler than that, unfortunately. The indicator is fully attached. Link to the branch with details above.
The lack of recent data next to the short name, as well as the lack of indicator rendering, clearly indicates that at the time of rendering the chart the indicator data was not yet ready, and the indicator itself was in a state of computation
The absence of recent data next to the short name, as well as the lack of rendering of the indicator, clearly indicates that at the time of rendering the chart the indicator data was not ready yet, and the indicator itself was in the state of calculation
I have provided completely short source code. I would be glad if your explanation was correct. But you can see for yourself, by running the indicator, that this is not the case.
The absence of the last data near the short name, as well as the absence of the indicator rendering, obviously shows that at the moment of chart drawing the indicator data was not ready yet, and the indicator itself was in the calculation state
I.e. this can happen once after drawing on the chart, as the data will be already calculated, right?
I.e. this can happen once after being charted, because the data will already be counted when you do it again, right?
No. It can happen more than once. You move the chart back and forth with the mouse, and at that moment a tick comes.
No. Maybe more than once. You move the graph with the mouse back and forth, at which point a tick comes in.
I thought the data already counted in the graph buffer is not recalculated on every tick....
No. Maybe more than once. You move the graph with the mouse back and forth, and at that moment a tick comes.
In my case the flicker is also without moving the mouse - in the window CTRL+D.
Why can't I open a demo account for an update at ?
I thought that already counted data in graph buffer is not recalculated on every tick....

1. Depends on the implementation of the indicator. If written sparingly, only the last value is recalculated.

2. If the chart is stationary and the number of bars has not changed, then in case of collision the previous buffer is rendered (i.e. there will be no emptiness)

Spent the whole day sorting things out, nothing worked. Simplified the code as much as possible and created a branch. Please help!
Measure OnCalculate() using GetMicrosecondCount(). Print this value in log. It's better to remember maximal time and print only maximal update to log - this way it will be more visible.