Errors, bugs, questions - page 1713

More details would be appreciated. Build, server, terminal, symbol, logs, playback code.

I thought it might be related to the malfunctions voiced earlier. The build is 1430 and the server is MQ-demo.

I'll check a few more times later and then we'll decide. Maybe it would be better to make a request to the SD?

Alexey Viktorov:

I thought it might have something to do with the problems voiced earlier. Build 1430 and the server is MQ-demo

I'll check a few more times later and then we'll decide. Maybe it would be better to make a request to the sd?


Got the output of every tick, a lot!

Why is CopyTicks so slow?! Checked dependence on number of ticks (count - input parameter) - almost none. It is the same at low values.

Everything is clear. The lags occur if the from_msc parameter is not equal to 0.

This bug has been fixed. Please wait for the next build. It will be available soon.

I wish I had more details. Build, server, terminal, symbol, logs, playback code.

Seems to be my fault, another EA is working on the same account with no problems.

I do not understand what bug may cause such an error...

What is it?
2016.09.28 15:52:46.927 Terminal        RAM: 81 Mb reserved, 336 Mb committed
2016.09.28 15:52:46.920 Terminal        'xxx': 1 chart, 0 EAs, 0 custom indicators, signal disabled, last known ping to Access Server #2 is 46.16 ms
2016.09.28 15:07:20.595 Network 'xxx': scanning network finished
2016.09.28 15:07:09.598 Network 'xxx': scanning network for access points
2016.09.28 14:52:46.048 Terminal        RAM: 86 Mb reserved, 342 Mb committed
2016.09.28 14:52:46.043 Terminal        'xxx': 1 chart, 0 EAs, 0 custom indicators, signal disabled, last known ping to Access Server #2 is 45.71 ms
What is it?

Once an hour, statistics are displayed to show how the client terminal is doing

reserved + committed = how much memory the client terminal is using. With committed - how much memory is currently mapped to physical memory (i.e. can be directly addressed without page exchange)


Log viewer window

Add "Next 16384 entries" button.

Please do not issue a warning in the presence of
#property indicator_plots 0
do not issue a warning
no indicator window property is defined, indicator_chart_window is applied
Please do not issue a warning if available
Add an indicator definition on the chart.
Alexey Kozitsyn:
Add the definition of an indicator on a chart.
No point - there are no drawing buffers. Or draw something with objects/canvas in another window?