Requests & Ideas - page 324

Hi Mladen.

Please see the following tape histogram indicator. I would like for you to code it so that it allows me to have multiple periods, multiple timeframes and different obos for each period.



A. Period 50, obos 50 and -50 in 240 hrs.

B. Period 70, obos 100 and -100 in 1440 hrs.


1. If A above 50 and increasing and B above 100 and increasing = Aqua 2. If A below -50 and decreasing and B below -100 and decreasing = Yellow 3. If A above 50 and B above 100, but one increasing and one decreasing = Blue 4. If A below -50 and B below -100, but one decreasing and one increasing = Red 5. If A above 50 and B above 100, but both decreasing = Dark Blue 6. If A below -50 and B below -100, but both increasing = Maroon 7. If either A or B or both are not in obos zone = Grey

If buffers aren't enough for this to be coded, then code based on the following results:

1. If A above 50 and increasing and B above 100 and increasing = Aqua 2. If A below -50 and decreasing and B below -100 and decreasing = Yellow 3. If A above 50 and B above 100, but either A or B or both are decreasing = Blue 4. If A below -50 and B below -100, but A or B or both are increasing = Red 5. If either A or B or both are not in obos zone = Grey

Hope the above explanation is clear enough for you. Thank you in advance again Mladen.

Just to clarify :

Combining different time frames into one state makes it recalculate (repaint) to the highest time frame used, so it is not possible to use it as signals (which makes alerts and arrows uselles in that version). Is that what you are looking for?

Just to clarify : Combining different time frames into one state makes it recalculate (repaint) to the highest time frame used, so it is not possible to use it as signals. I s that what you are looking for?

Yes I understand that if I use multiple timeframes combined, the signals cannot be used. I want the flexibility in the indicator and I may not necessarily combine multiple timeframes but if I do I would like the indicator to allow for that. Thanks Mladen for looking into this.

Yes I understand that if I use multiple timeframes combined, the signals cannot be used. I want the flexibility in the indicator and I may not necessarily combine multiple timeframes but if I do I would like the indicator to allow for that. Thanks Mladen for looking into this.

Hi Mladen, any progress with this? Thanks.

Hi Mladen, any progress with this? Thanks.


Working on it

rayphua Working on it

Thanks Mladen, looking forward to it.

rayphua Working on it

Hi Mladen, I hope you haven't forgotten about my request.

Hi Mladen, I hope you haven't forgotten about my request.

I did not

I have to remove all the alerts all the arrows and all the code that will not conform with the multi time frame mode of operating of that indicator and only then make what you have asked for. So, first it has to be cleaned and only then it can be developed further

I did not I have to remove all the alerts all the arrows and all the code that will not conform with the multi time frame mode of operating of that indicator and only then make what you have asked for. So, first it has to be cleaned and only then it can be developed further

Ok I understand, thank you Mladen, looking forward to seeing it.


Hi Mladen,

Can you please modify the attached better volume indicator so that only tick volume from Monday through Friday are included in calculation of the moving average, and exclude Saturday and Sunday tick volumes in the calculation ?

Thanks in advance


Hi Mladen,

Can you please modify the attached better volume indicator so that only tick volume from Monday through Friday are included in calculation of the moving average, and exclude Saturday and Sunday tick volumes in the calculation ?

Thanks in advance



Here you go : bettervolume_1.41.mq4

Option added : SkipSaturdaySunday. If set to false, it works as before, if set to true it does not use any data from those two days (see the example and the difference on a Sunday data)

bv.gif  84 kb