PipMaker v1 - Price action based EA - page 210


Hey Don,

Thanks for the quick response, could you possibly give a brief description of the non obvious parts. I have begun testing and would like to concentrate on optimizing.



Price Action

You can try this EA:



EA executable

Hey Bongo,

Do me a favor post the source code of your EA. This thread is dedicated to the sharing of ideas and information.


Hey Bongo,

Do me a favor post the source code of your EA. This thread is dedicated to the sharing of ideas and information.


To the sharing, I have to ask my wife.

She is on vacation in Europe. You have to wait...



What does she have to do with you posting source code? Did she write it? Then don't you think maybe you should have asked her to post the .ex4 as well?


My wife took my Sprint card to Florida for her little vacation. So, I can only get internet when I am in truck stops. I have been working on some revisions that will greatly enhance the performance of the EA.

You will notice the errors still do occur. I am working on that. I have noticed that only using the same type close routines the errors do not occur, i.e., positive buys and a losing buy, and positive sells and a losing sell. I need help in isolating the lowest and highest orders. When the errors occur, multiple losing orders close when only one should. If anyone out there could help out, that would be great.

I am working on version 3 which incorporates a LWMA to determine trend, it only opens buys above the trend and sells below the trend. It still sets buys above and below the highest and lowest buys. Same for the sells. Still having trouble with the opposite closings. pos buys losing sell, pos sells losing buy...

I will try to get online later tonight.


Please check your posts about your wife!



WTF does my not having my Sprint card at the time have to do with anything about you posting your source code???

Simply post the source code or delete the executable.

All work is SHARED on this thread, this includes source coding...


WTF does my not having my Sprint card at the time have to do with anything about you posting your source code???

Simply post the source code or delete the executable.

All work is SHARED on this thread, this includes source coding...


OK, here are the source codes.



So is version 10 the most uptodate version?

Also is a stop loss built into version 10? Or the most recent version.

I tried to backtest version 10 but i could not get it to load can someone please help.



New version coming soon

I have recently discovered why the margin percentage keeps going so low. The variable that controls the amount of money that is used doesn't work, obviously...

To overcome this, I have managed to use the BuyProfit/SellProfit and compare it to new variables called MaxBuyMoney and MaxSellMoney. Once the negative BuyProfit/SellProfit exceeds the MaxB/SMoney, BUYme/SELLme becomes false.

I was wanting the MaxB/SMoney to be an automated function, however, I couldn't make it happen as of now. But, this does work for the time being.

The addition of this new function helps keep the margin percentage a lot higher. Clearly, this will have to be optimized.

pipmakerv11.mq4  31 kb