ISAKAS ashi by Kuskus_Osentogg - page 130

Hello MatXerof,

Would you please guide me to the page which I could download " KUSKUS STARlight V2" indicator as shown on your charts.

Than you for your kind help.

In fact, that indi is from kuasaforex which I bought but never use in my monitoring chart (NF). I only used the "extra indi" from the package.

Here is a zip file and after you unzip (Besides kuskus, I also include fivopiv in the zip file):

1) paste it the way you did for ikasas2.

2) To let the indi comes out, you got to insert it from the pull down menu under Insert > Indicators > Custom then select it.

3) change the Range Periods to 30 so that it is tally with fisher..

4) To delete any of current indi, right click in the main chart, select Indicators List.

I used to modified my monitoring chart to guide me, isakas2 + those 2 files, then I called it ISAKAS2+ (Can I Bro Zeman?:D).

Try it and let me know if you cannot get it. Good Luck!

btw, Thanks Bro Zeman for your answer. I'm in Marketiva, Virtual + Live!


Kpd semua geng yg nyambut raya ni, in advance, diucapkan Selamat Hariraya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin.

nothing special on monday.. Just trades same technical at the day.. Forex surely not choose any day for ranging or trending.. 5day a week of unpredictable movement.

Thanks Zeman.Somehow i`m just looking the market swings when it ranging.

hello to everyone and Bro Zeman,

1. to Bro Zeman ariGato guzaimaz for your comment

this forum help me alots to understand about the forex... felt lucky to be here indeed. thankz once again Bro Zeman

2. to colnago , try this sites | Forex | Online Forex Trading and Resources its only for GBP/Usd Prediction... mostly the prediction is correct but not 100% accurate... try 1st

elal liQa everyone Wassalam!!!

Thank you very much Isacc.This help me much Isacc.Thanks for sharing. Allah yusahhalak:-)

Morning all ,

First of all, thanks to all my comrade in arms ( the newbies gang ) for their pm to me . As you can see, i'm still a newbie in Isakas too. Regarding the Take Profit (TP) strategies that i use, it depends on my MM, the pair that i trade, specific market conditons and the timing . Before we go any further, plz bear in mind that Bro Zeman recommends a TP of 15 pips or less at a time frame of 30 mins / 60 mins for Isakas 2 .

Ok, this is where the problems starts . Being a newbie, we have a high / lofty expectations for Isakas and believe we should have maximum pips everytime. Well bros, we are wrong . Specific analysis and emotional control are crucial . Lets look at an example .

Pair : EU

TF : 30 ( main ) , 15 ( before entry / exit )

Market : Ranging

Pips Swing : 15 to 20 pips

Ok bros, based on the market conditons above its not good to set a TP of more than 20 pips . Furthermore most brokers will charge a spread of 2 or 3 pips for the EU . I think its better to put in a TP of around 11 pips, to be on the safe side...

So , make sure you do your specific analysis before jumping in . Make sure you know the intraday pips range of your pair and the various S & R at least .

After many days backtesting and using Isakas 2 in Live Trading , i do find it profitable but make sure you follow the Rules as given by Bro Zeman . In the end, you have to have your own trading system that suits your Investment Profile / Personality ....

All the best !!

Asri.From what i learn this few weeks trading in live account,if i set TP more than 20 ,looks like hardly to reach target.Then i decided to just take only 5-15 pips per trade .Yeah.I`ve lost abig number before becoz of greedy,but now i realized and recovering back my account.


Good luck

as`kum to everyone...

1. to wedxza good luck with your real account... you will feel your heart beating , =====> +60 pips per week is not bad

2. to colnago you are welcome... good luck with your real account too

3. to everyone & to our shifu Bro.Zeman




4. to all Malaysian gratz with your 1st angkasawan

elal liQa "wassalam"

In fact, that indi is from kuasaforex which I bought but never use in my monitoring chart (NF). I only used the "extra indi" from the package.

Here is a zip file and after you unzip (Besides kuskus, I also include fivopiv in the zip file):

1) paste it the way you did for ikasas2.

2) To let the indi comes out, you got to insert it from the pull down menu under Insert > Indicators > Custom then select it.

3) change the Range Periods to 30 so that it is tally with fisher..

4) To delete any of current indi, right click in the main chart, select Indicators List.

I used to modified my monitoring chart to guide me, isakas2 + those 2 files, then I called it ISAKAS2+ (Can I Bro Zeman?:D).

Try it and let me know if you cannot get it. Good Luck!

btw, Thanks Bro Zeman for your answer. I'm in Marketiva, Virtual + Live!


Kpd semua geng yg nyambut raya ni, in advance, diucapkan Selamat Hariraya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin.

Thanks brother for your kind help.




Newbie: Using ISAKAS system

Im confius on how to use ISAKAS system or any other trading system ... all the system will need to be use metatrader?

Im confius on how to use ISAKAS system or any other trading system ... all the system will need to be use metatrader?

Yes, ISAKAS2 only works with any MT4 platform such NF, IBFX, and so on. We can trade in other kinds of platform, such as Marketiva, Easy Forex, FXCM, and so on, while monitoring the market thru MT4 using ISAKAS2.

I have compiled every things in the zip file here. All instruction is provided in the "Instruction.txt" from the zip file.

For those who can provide some guides using FiboPiv_v2 to set SL & TP is very welcome especially from Zeman & Asri.

Happy Trading & Salam AidilFitri to all !

Files:  428 kb
Im confius on how to use ISAKAS system or any other trading system ... all the system will need to be use metatrader?

TSD is a forum whereby the majority custom code or iindicators are for the Metatrader Platform only. If you want to use anything here, either open a demo account with a broker which uses metatrader and enter demo/live trades on your platform or open an account with a broker which uses the MT platform.

TSD is a forum whereby the majority custom code or iindicators are for the Metatrader Platform only. If you want to use anything here, either open a demo account with a broker which uses metatrader and enter demo/live trades on your platform or open an account with a broker which uses the MT platform.

Yes, you are right!

I have compiled every things in the zip file here. All instruction is provided in the "Instruction.txt" from the zip file.

Happy Trading & Good Luck to all! GET ISAKASII+ HERE


Isakas window expert


very nice, kuskus. in english, is it cruisecruise?



I got this when i run the rebirth template..Probably i made mistake somewhere ??

ikasaspbm.jpg  158 kb