Traders joking, the beginning - page 55



the most important is read the pattern


Forex Indicators Collection


OH, holly words of wisdom...



Happy that you liked it:)


Der dicke Dachdecker deckte das dicke Dach.

Dann trug der dicke Dachdecker, die dicke Dame durch den dicken Dreck.

Dann dankte die dicke Dame dem dicken Dachdecker,

dass der dicke Dachdecker die dicke Dame durch den dicken Dreck trug.


Heh, this is a quote from the bible, word for word. I'm not going to explain it, but if you think it's funny, you have judged rightly.


Luke 7:41-43

A certain moneylender had two debtors. One owed five hundred, and the other fifty. When they could not pay, he cancelled the debt of both. Now which of him will love him more?

Simon answered: "The one, I suppose, for whom he cancelled the larger debt."

And he said unto him: "You have judged rightly."


Possibly not a one-liner But in all reality, I have settled credit debts for large amounts of money, and had no love for my creditor. But when a friend forgives me of petty cash, I love him so much more.


making US$2000 a month is good enough for me

This is a chart of the USD/CAD at the 12/22/2008 open, 00.GMT. Either Tradeview demo has a problem or some guy in Montreal is running a Hedge Fund. And they said Hedge Funds were dead!!!

It can't be me , I do hedge but only to take few pips from the market

Central Banks screwed up the swap rates so its difficult to keep a hedge trade open for a long period

BTW this is a demo account , I don't trade these days I am only testing new MM methods


I got a decompiled copy of this expert anyone wanted to be scammed email me at