What is the purpose of this forum ? - page 2

I'm one of them but I give up on asking question here because 95% of members here don't want to answer it. In my last thread I asked if there's a updated tutorial for MQL5 Indicator but still no answer from expert. I searched in MQL forums about "OnCalculate" but I didn't find any useful information on how can I use it. It make me angry when some expert here keep telling you should learn how to code or pay some programmer something like that. In reality the resources you need is not available for free they want you to pay to learn or get what you want.

I suggest to make Python programming language as official language in Metatrader then everything become easy.

Have you considered that an expert would not have any need for an updated tutorial, therefore would not know if one is available? If they don't know, why would you expect them to answer?

Keith Watford:

Have you considered that an expert would not have any need for an updated tutorial, therefore would not know if one is available? If they don't know, why would you expect them to answer?

You raise a fair point.

I saw this user's question, but I didn't even know there was a tutorial for indicators—let alone an updated one—so I didn't answer. I suspect this is true of many regular members/posters.

I suggest to make Python programming language as official language in Metatrader then everything become easy.

BOOM ! Right on !

I'm one of them but I give up on asking question here because 95% of members here don't want to answer it. In my last thread I asked if there's a updated tutorial for MQL5 Indicator but still no answer from expert. I searched in MQL forums about "OnCalculate" but I didn't find any useful information on how can I use it. It make me angry when some expert here keep telling you should learn how to code or pay some programmer something like that. In reality the resources you need is not available for free they want you to pay to learn or get what you want.

I suggest to make Python programming language as official language in Metatrader then everything become easy.

You have a lot of indicators in codebase and in your examples folder that could help you, also you have some articles related to it and the reference code to understand what some function does. In my opinion, all the resource is available for free, you just need to look for it and consider take some time to learn what you want. If you want a faster way, maybe you should consider contacting some programmer to do it and have in mind that you might be charged for it... Maybe those experts get angry too when someone just asks questions in the forum that could be found with a couple of time using the search button. (I'm not saying this is your case, but I've seen plenty of "lazy" questions here).

And regards what happened with Alain, people sometimes do not have the notion, if he is a pro, he dedicated a lot of time and money to get there. If he wants to help it or not, charge for it or not, it's up to him and nothing else...Who is asking for help should understand and respect it.  

Anthony Garot:

You raise a fair point.


Yes and no. Of course Keith is right, nobody knows all answers. But this topic is not about that, do you think I will have to answer all questions for which I know the answer ? Obviously not, it would be endless.

I am answering when I want, if I want, like everyone. I have NOTHING to do with Metaquotes, I have ZERO obligation here. And more, even for someone working for Metaquotes, he would still have zero obligation to answer to everyone, except if it's what Metaquotes asked him to do.
Alain Verleyen:

Yes and no. Of course Keith is right, nobody knows all answers. But this topic is not about that, do you think I will have to answer all questions for which I know the answer ? Obviously not, it would be endless.

I am answering when I want, if I want, like everyone. I have NOTHING to do with Metaquotes, I have ZERO obligation here. And more, even for someone working for Metaquotes, he would still have zero obligation to answer to everyone, except if it's what Metaquotes asked him to do.

As this seems to be directed to me, I will say that I agree with you on all your points.

My comment was directed more toward Musgni who, for some reason, expects an expert to know about tutorials.

Sorry for getting off-topic.

Anthony Garot:

As this seems to be directed to me, I will say that I agree with you on all your points.

My comment was directed more toward Musgni who, for some reason, expects an expert to know about tutorials.

Sorry for getting off-topic.

No problem.
Alain Verleyen:

Yes and no. Of course Keith is right, nobody knows all answers. But this topic is not about that, do you think I will have to answer all questions for which I know the answer ? Obviously not, it would be endless.

I am answering when I want, if I want, like everyone. I have NOTHING to do with Metaquotes, I have ZERO obligation here. And more, even for someone working for Metaquotes, he would still have zero obligation to answer to everyone, except if it's what Metaquotes asked him to do.

If you have ZERO obligation here, then please SIR, go away. You have ZERO obligation here, BUT you have the power to delete my contributions to this forum - which you have done in the past. There is a LOT wrong with your core values.

I suggest you leave this forum NOW if you were to keep on professing the view that you have ZERO OBLIGATION here.

There is ZERO respect and acceptance for you being a MODERATOR on this forum when you have the extremely negative view that you have ZERO obligation here. Please leave this forum for good and never come back. 

OR accept that you are expected to act in a reasonable, generally acceptable manner and are expected to specifically state and acknowledge that.

Otherwise, LEAVE NOW !!

You are completely welcome to delete my account RIGHT NOW!! :-)

Go ahead and have your cheap thrill!! Delete my account!!

I dare you!! Delete my account RIGHT NOW!! Mr ZERO OBLIGATION moderator!!


Musngi, why search forum? MQL documentation is pretty good, the search engine also works well.

OnCalculate together with the other major functions:


You just can't not understand it.

I've had a few encounters with Microsoft documentation and it is horrible, this is nothing like that.

Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Functions / Event Handling Functions
Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Functions / Event Handling Functions
  • www.mql5.com
The MQL5 language provides processing of some predefined events. Functions for handling these events must be defined in a MQL5 program; function name, return type, composition of parameters (if there are any) and their types must strictly conform to the description of the event handler function. The event handler of the client terminal...

I suggest you leave this forum NOW if you were to keep on professing the view that you have ZERO OBLIGATION here.

I dare you!! Delete my account RIGHT NOW!!

  1. There is no one here with any obligations. This is a user forum, not Metaquotes. Therefor no one should ever help you, by your own statements. I've added you to my do not help list as I don't help rude, arrogant, or ignorant persons. You expect everyone to bow down and do things for you. There are no slaves here. It is you that must change if you want people to try and help you.
  2. I would delete your account if I could. You are a snow flake that steams at the first sign of heat. You are a baby throwing a temper-tantrum.