Traders joking, the beginning - page 48


Traders Joking

I'm back. I will be speaking with my other Fed brothers to instill confidence in the markets. My printing press is still working fine. Don't you dare hit the SELL button! Henry has already rewritten the tax laws and he won't say where the TARP money went. (Thanks Guys, 2.50% from the stock market & 40 pips from the USD/JPY) @ 21:00 GMT. I should have used FXBS chart.No Joke.

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Traders Joking

Automakers pitch Congress a new on rescue. Photo of Rick Wagoner arriving at the capital to make their pitch for money from Congress. Mulally from Ford and

Bob Nardelli from Chrysler are all ready inside. They rode together to save money. They said they stayed at the KOA campground overnight. They are going Green! New fuel is turpentine. Nice Ride, Huh?

BTW, Alex, where are you?

Photo Courtesy of it's maker.

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Well, lemme the results were -$10.32 you probably did better than 94.99% of the reported 95% or forex traders that lost money.

On the other hand....with a little hiccup you probably could have come out +$10.32, in which case you would have done worse than 4.99% of the reported traders that MAKE money.

So...the glass is half to speak....ya think?


Part 2

Thank god and goodness I am in the top 30

Part 2

Thank god and goodness I am in the top 30

dem, why i didn'try that idea?!

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#10 shoes - is it big one?


Part 3

He through one shoe and got a 100 in return, something like a margin call

YouTube - بوش يضرب الجزمه من صحفي عراقي



that's unforgetable gift for Mr.President


Forex Indicators Collection


Could you lend me a pair of shoes I lost mine in a Bush.

How do they come up with these.