CatFx50 - page 204

Hi, JoZo!

You need to do your homework, mate!

Posts: 2013, 2022 and 2023.

Hi, JoZo!

You need to do your homework, mate!

Posts: 2013, 2022 and 2023.


Hahaha, my homework

I have changed it yesterday....



Ok, you may want to see what "visionaries" do, right?

This is real, mates, real:

"Morning all, I see it has been a busy night here at thread land !

I fell asleep at my computer last night and think I will continue with some more shut eyes since this is now going our way. I just wanted to post my positions since I didn't call them yesterday, market was too fast:

My average eur/usd short is 2050 20 lots

and cable I have a 1.2 lot short from 1.7471

Price is now at 1.2040/43 and 1st support is at 1.2030-35 below here should see 1.2000-1.1905 and this is where I have an order to close 10lots"

A little bit later:

"Prices just reversed rapidly ... closed my gbp/usd short at 1.7480 for -9 pips

Lowered my eur/usd stop to 1.2074 on 20 lots (price now @ 2062/65)

This move up could be forming the "b" of an a-b-c down ... Asia did the "a" now the "b" and we should go down to around 1.2000 for the "c" ... If not then I want to get out near the last high.

Back to sleep"

A little bit later:

"I have just gone into manual stop mode as price nears my stop zone .. this market is so volatile I dont want to be stopped and see it go my way .... anyway holding til German data in 10 min".

A little bit later:

"Chart update ... this market reminds me of the recent fall we just had slow grind up ... euro just made a new spike high (15min chart) and I think this now has to be considered the final level for the short trade. Stops could be placed just above this new high (2088) and if broken then a short trade was not meant to be.

On the south side we could be looking at high to mid 1.19's as per chart below.

My stop is back to fixed at 1.2095 (bid) ... lets see how it goes"

A little bit later:

"Last update for today, sleep deprived here ...

Resistance is now 1.2090

Support 1.2065 break below here will take us to test 1.2030 where sell orders will go on to test 1.2000 then my target for this short around 1.1972. I will be looking to build longs around here for 1.2300 target, which should be wave iii/3.

Back later in US session"

A little bit later:

"One more chart update before I hit the bed.

Just some thoughts - This wave ii/3 correction to 1.1975 and the max low it can be EW friendly is 1.1900 Wave iii/3 somewhere around 1.2280 .... wave 3 finish around 1.2300".


A little bit later a very smart one pops up:

"Let us All pray that US data coming out in 15 minutes would be result in better than expected figures to support the move down in EUR/USD today. Well I'm having a very hard time cause of my short position and I pray that we r in the correct wave down. Well it is funny that most of moneytec traders are short this time namely FXSurfer, Iris, Noor, SoundFX, Weissdawg's an others. I hope we are not all wrong this time.


A little bit later another smart pops up:

"The stop has moved again now to 1.2095 (bid).??? I'd appreciate, and I think many more readers would too, if you could explain the definition of firm, last, fixed, not moving, and when the price gets close you move it again. An explanation would make it easier to follow the risk management part of the methodology. Or the real stop is margin call?


Now, the chorus line comes in:

"XXXX - How much are you paying XXX? Get a life and learn how to make your own trades and calls. He stated from the beginning of this thread that it was HIS diary just so HE could keep a clear head about what he is doing. Anyone that wants to watch and learn or follow - it is totally under THEIR own responsibility".


"Totally agreed. If you are so dissatified about XX's calls, just don't view this thread and save your breath".

After the applause, the master comes in again (His followers are losing all they have on, but he always sleeps):

"Hey ... I just woke up ! Darn

Well I did move my stop just before London fix to see what level it would spike to and then placed a stop just above that. I just got hit for 20 lots at 1.2098 thats (-48 pips -$9600) and it was no where near a margin call, I had $12000 left to play with. BUT it is a big hit! and after getting the first big hit back, it looks like it's scalping time. I mean getting 10-20 pips in high probablility trades with large lots say 10-15.

This was a lesson in greed and whenever I have over extended myself this was the outcome. I will let the market settle down (low volatility) then start the analysis again. For now I think I need to get away from the desk and have a little break.

Back later tonight towards the end of US session.


THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friends, what I posted above is real: it's true. It is not a script for a comic movie nor a stupid one. It's real!!!

Please, keep your money away of all that "smart" people.



End of the day:

EURUSD, level 2 long at 1.2056 (09:00cet). Made a high at 1.2189. + 133 pips.

GBPUSD, level 2 long at 1.7475 (09:00cet). Made a high at 1.7594. + 119 pips.

USDCHF, level 2 short at 1.2975 (09:00cet). Made a low at 1.2870. + 105 pips.

TOTAL= + 357 pips.


End of the day:

EURUSD, level 2 long at 1.2056 (09:00cet). Made a high at 1.2189. + 133 pips.

GBPUSD, level 2 long at 1.7475 (09:00cet). Made a high at 1.7594. + 119 pips.

USDCHF, level 2 short at 1.2975 (09:00cet). Made a low at 1.2870. + 105 pips.

TOTAL= + 357 pips.



this is some really cool pips where are you spending your next viccation




Road map:

EURUSD, as long as it does not close (daily) below 1.1968, it is set to hit 1.2302.

USDCHF, as long as it does not close (daily) above 1.3077, it is set to hit 1.2743.

GBPUSD, as long as it does not close (daily) below 1.7424, it is set to hit 1.7757.



this is some really cool pips where are you spending your next viccation



I did not make all that pips. Only more than 200.



Das, Mibl,

Thanks, for your help much appreciated.

Nina your doing a great job, like your style Mate. Which indicator gives the green/red bars as you have below your chart.


From another thread and site:


Originally Posted by XXXX

Perhaps the EUR has reversed and now is bullish, here is what could be todays out come.

Impluse up to 1.2130

YES !! I was right on the money BIG money YES YES YES"

WHY DID $ sank today?

You would never know it for sure. You can guess about it. You can say: "well, if CIP is not high, FED will not hike; so if dollar has made all that rise; it'd better die".

Seriously, it has sunk, because BIG, BIG, BIG money wanted that way.

From earlier in the morning, before 09:00cet, a big central european bank was buying EURUSD. It is the ignition of a move...

Don't lose your time trying to know "why", just follow them.


juice is the indicator

hi haubentaucher,

no, you are wrong, it's not juice.

it is the stepma_stoch_histogram indicator, which kalenzo made.

this indicator shows the histogram of igorads stepma_stoch_v1.mq4.


i only added nina's filterlevels 0.04 and -0.04

hi haubentaucher,

no, you are wrong, it's not juice.

it is the stepma_stoch_histogram indicator, which kalenzo made.

this indicator shows the histogram of igorads stepma_stoch_v1.mq4.


i only added nina's filterlevels 0.04 and -0.04


and thank you for the indicator