Daily Profit procedure

I'm looking for a procedure, mql4, that will tell me true or false, when I've hit the daily profit limit for a pair. I've tried the folloowing code but it always returns false.
bool funcGetTodaysProfit()
   int intDailyProfitPips=100;
   double dblReturnValue=0,dblDailyProfitPips=intDailyProfitPips*Point;
   for (int i=0; i<OrdersTotal(); i++)
   {//1 +cycle by orders search
      if (OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)==false) break;
      if (OrderMagicNumber()!=intOrderMagicNumber) continue;
      if (TimeYear(Time[0])!=TimeYear(OrderOpenTime()) &&
          TimeDay(Time[0])!=TimeDay(OrderOpenTime()) &&
          TimeMonth(Time[0])!=TimeMonth(OrderOpenTime()))continue; //not todays profit.
      if (OrderType()==OP_BUY) {dblReturnValue=dblReturnValue+(OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice());}
      if (OrderType()==OP_SELL) {dblReturnValue=dblReturnValue+(OrderOpenPrice()-OrderClosePrice());}
   Comment("Profit today so far: ",DoubleToStr(dblReturnValue,Digits),"\n","Profit target: ",DoubleToStr(dblDailyProfitPips,Digits));
   if (dblReturnValue>dblDailyProfitPips) {return(true);}
If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.

You are looking only to the open trades

You have also take a look to the trades today closed

  EA Profits 1.0.mq4 (22.6 Kb) View

This indicator is like iExposure and I published it in  Code Base 

it can show the profits of several EA's for a CHOSEN PERIOD

You can find it at  Profits your EA(s) have made on your account


You are looking only to the open trades

You have also take a look to the trades today closed

  EA Profits 1.0.mq4 (22.6 Kb) View

This indicator is like iExposure and I published it in  Code Base 

it can show the profits of several EA's for a CHOSEN PERIOD

You can find it at  Profits your EA(s) have made on your account

Good catch!  I made the change from OrdersTotal() to OrdersHistoryTotal().  Now I get the profit for the day.  But up comes up with a new problem.  When I loop through starting the new day, it shows I have a profit for the new day.  Even though I haven't opened or closed any orders yet on the new day.  In my code, it should be returning false, but it's returning true.  Any ideas?

You are looking only to the open trades

You have also take a look to the trades today closed

  EA Profits 1.0.mq4 (22.6 Kb) View

This indicator is like iExposure and I published it in  Code Base 

it can show the profits of several EA's for a CHOSEN PERIOD

You can find it at  Profits your EA(s) have made on your account


 YOU DID IT!  I found the problem thanks to your code!

I added these lines:

   string strCurrentDate=StringConcatenate(TimeYear(Time[0]),".",TimeMonth(Time[0]),".",TimeDay(Time[0]));
   datetime dtCurrentDate=StrToTime(strCurrentDate);

Replaced these lines:

      if (TimeYear(OrderOpenTime())!=TimeYear(Time[0]) &&
          TimeDay(OrderOpenTime())!=TimeDay(Time[0]) &&
          TimeMonth(OrderOpenTime())!=TimeMonth(Time[0]))continue; //not todays profit.

With this line:

      if (OrderOpenTime()<dtCurrentDate) continue;

And it WORKS! 




 YOU DID IT!  I found the problem thanks to your code!

I added these lines:

Replaced these lines:

With this line:

And it WORKS! 





Great,  you found your solution, but do you realize now why your removed

   if (TimeYear(OrderOpenTime())!=TimeYear(Time[0]) &&
          TimeDay(OrderOpenTime())!=TimeDay(Time[0]) &&
          TimeMonth(OrderOpenTime())!=TimeMonth(Time[0]))continue; //not todays profit.

line did fail ??   and you did get a profit  even though you didn't opened or closed any orders yet on the new day. ???