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This class contains functions for working with colors. It has color conversion and other useful functions.

Conversion RGB to HSV

void RGBtoHSV(double aR,double aG,double aB,double & oH,double & oS,double & oV)

Functions from All these function have 6 arguments: first 3 are parameters, the next 3 are conversion results, passed by reference.

Conversion RGB to XYZ

void RGBtoXYZ(double aR,double aG,double aB,double & oX,double & oY,double & oZ)
Conversion XYZ to RGB
void XYZtoRGB(double aX,double aY,double aZ,double & oR,double & oG,double & oB)
Conversion XYZ to Yxy
void XYZtoYxy(double aX,double aY,double aZ,double & oY,double & ox,double & oy)

Conversion Yxy to XYZ

void XYZtoYxy(double aX,double aY,double aZ,double & oY,double & ox,double & oy)
Conversion XYZ to HunterLab
void XYZtoHunterLab(double aX,double aY,double aZ,double & oL,double & oa,double & ob)
Conversion HunterLab to XYZ
void HunterLabToXYZ(double aL,double aa,double ab,double & oX,double & oY,double & oZ)
Conversion XYZ to CIELab
void XYZtoCIELab(double aX,double aY,double aZ,double & oCIEL,double & oCIEa,double & oCIEb)
Conversion CIELab to ToXYZ
void CIELabToXYZ(double aCIEL,double aCIEa,double aCIEb,double & oX,double & oY,double & oZ)
Conversion CIELab to CIELCH
void CIELabToCIELCH(double aCIEL,double aCIEa,double aCIEb,double & oCIEL,double & oCIEC,double & oCIEH)

Conversion CIELCH to CIELab

void CIELCHtoCIELab(double aCIEL,double aCIEC,double aCIEH,double & oCIEL,double & oCIEa,double & oCIEb)

Conversion XYZ to CIELuv

void XYZtoCIELuv(double aX,double aY,double aZ,double & oCIEL,double & oCIEu,double & oCIEv)
Conversion CIELuv to XYZ
void CIELuvToXYZ(double aCIEL,double aCIEu,double aCIEv,double & oX,double & oY,double & oZ)
Conversion RGB to HSL
void RGBtoHSL(double aR,double aG,double aB,double & oH,double & oS,double & oL)
Conversion HSL to RGB
void HSLtoRGB(double aH,double aS,double aL,double & oR,double & oG,double & oB)

Conversion RGB to HSV

void RGBtoHSV(double aR,double aG,double aB,double & oH,double & oS,double & oV) 
Conversion HSV to RGB
void HSVtoRGB(double aH,double aS,double aV,double & oR,double & oG,double & oB)
Conversion RGB to CMY
void RGBtoCMY(double aR,double aG,double aB,double & oC,double & oM,double & oY)
Conversion CMY to RGB
void CMYtoRGB(double aC,double aM,double aY,double & oR,double & oG,double & oB)
Conversion CMY to CMYK
void CMYtoCMYK(double aC,double aM,double aY,double & oC,double & oM,double & oY,double & oK)
Conversion CMYK to CMY
void CMYKtoCMY(double aC,double aM,double aY,double aK,double & oC,double & oM,double & oY)

Other functions

Get RGB components

First parameter - color, the next arguments are color components, passed by reference.

void ColorToRGB(color aColor,double & aR,double & aG,double & aB)
Get R component
double GetR(color aColor)
Get G component
double GetG(color aColor)
Get B component
double GetB(color aColor)

Conversion RGB to color

color RGBToColor(double aR,double aG,double aB)
Get mixed color between 2 colors
color MixColors(color aCol1,color aCol2,double aK) // aK - from 0 to 1
Get array with color gradient
void Gradient( color & aColors[], // list of colors
color & aOut[],                  // output array
int aOutCount,                     // Size of output array
bool aCycle=false                  // cyclic gradient (the out array ends with starting color)
Another simple conversion RGB -> XYZ and its inverse XYZ->RGB
void RGBtoXYZsimple(double aR,double aG,double aB,double & oX,double & oY,double & oZ)
void XYZtoRGBsimple(double aX,double aY,double aZ,double & oR,double & oG,double & oB)
Negative color
color Negative(color aColor)

Finds color, closest to the color from the standard web colors

First parameter - the color, the second parameter is the index from the colors set (passed by reference), the function returns color
color StandardColor(color aColor,int & aIndex)
RGB -> Gray
double RGBtoGray(double aR,double aG,double aB)
RGB -> Gray (simple)
double RGBtoGraySimple(double aR,double aG,double aB)

Translated from Russian by MetaQuotes Ltd.
Original code:

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This is the improved version of Price Channel indicator. Two additional price levels, trade signals and Stop Loss/Take Profit levels were added.


The indicator plots the chart of the specified symbol in a separate window.

IncGUI_ColorInput IncGUI_ColorInput

Graphic control for color selection.

Size Highs And Lows Size Highs And Lows

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