Monthly Rent on MQL5 Market. Heaven or Hell?

Monthly Rent on MQL5 Market. Heaven or Hell?

10 September 2015, 16:05
Rinor Memeti

Hey Community,

i wanna discuss a topic which newly appeared for me. Im selling products on market here and started to change prices. Now i just offer prices for monthly rent.


Now the problems begins. Many interested customers told me to sell it for lifetime or they can not understand why i sell it monthly. Most of them dont think about the advantages. They just say that i wanna make money.

Thats not the whole truth! 

In my opinion there are just 2 Options.


Option Number 1:

I am selling products for 100$ at the market. The customer gets the product for paying 100$ once, if he/she dont use all 5 activations.

So i got 100$. Earned money just one time.

If i got my money im not interested in the customer anymore. So i dont care if he makes profit in Forex trading or not. Maybe he make a bad review, but who cares. Till the Review will come i probably sell 10 more pieces of my product.

Pro: Contra: 

- I got my money and spent it all for tasty german beer. - Customer doesnt make profit at trading with my indicator. Maybe because i am not interested anymore. 

- I dont have steady incomes. Just got money once. How to buy my beer at next month!?

  - Customer doesnt get money back.

Option Number 2:

I am selling products for 15$ monthly rent at the market. The customer pays a low value for trading per month. He is maybe angry because he needs to pay every month.

He is satisfied with the product and is it buying every month. Nice for me.

I also work on the product to keep it profitable to keep my current customers. 

Pro: Contra:

- I earn low money but steady incomes. - What would be the contra if customer gets a good working product and the seller steady incomes!?!?!

- Steady support/updates to ensure profibility of my products and keep customers.

- Probably indicator works good with steady updates => Happy Customer 

- Customer makes money and is willed to invest for another monthly rent!? 

- I know how to buy my beer at next month. 


What do you think about it?

What about a leasing function to give the customer to buy lifetime product after 3 months of renting?




Happy Pips.