Cryptocurrency News -  Venezuelan bolivar  and bitcoin, Puerto Rico and Greece, and more

Cryptocurrency News - Venezuelan bolivar and bitcoin, Puerto Rico and Greece, and more

5 August 2015, 06:11
Venezuelan bolivar and bitcoin
Venezuelan Bolivar is going towards its worst phase for value is close to being collapsed: it now takes around 630 Bolivars to purchase for a single dollar. Some people say that it is a greater time for venezuelans to hedge their money either into some another foreign currency, and metal, or simply into Bitcoin.

Puerto Rico in the lines of Greece
The Puerto Rico government has said that it won’t be able to repay debt. The decision has brought the commonwealth nation on the paths of debt crisis, and it is necessary to repay a $72 billion loan to the creditors. This action has put Puerto Rico in the lines of Greece. Some people recommended Puerto Ricans hedge their funds off their bank accounts in Bitcoin.

IMF to recommend to print more money
International Monetary Fund warned that the economic outlook for the euro area are modest, and recommended to print more money than planned.

Swiss Franc a fall by 0.4% against the euro
The Swiss National Bank announced that it suffered a loss of 50 billion Swiss francs (US $52 billion) in the first half, largely due to the decline in value of its Euro holdings, and it caused a fall of the Swiss franc by 0.4% against the euro.