10 Wednesday Reads

10 Wednesday Reads

28 January 2015, 21:11
Sergey Golubev
  • Apple’s Earnings: The Staggering Numbers (WSJ Digits)
  • Strong Dollar Squeezes U.S. Firms (WSJ) see also U.S. Strengths Buoy Consumers but Hurt Corporations With Business Abroad (Dealbook)
  • A Dozen Things I’ve Learned from Joel Greenblatt about Value Investing (25iq)
  • The new phase of deflation fear and headline noise is actually a good thing for markets (TRB)
  • Open letter to the German readers: That which you were never told about Greece (Syriza)
  • Pope Francis’s U.S. tour will set off economic fireworks (MarketWatch)
  • The New Measles: One of the most infectious viruses on the planet is making a comeback in the United States, and many doctors have never even seen it. (The Atlantic) see also Why Did Vaccinated People Get Measles at Disneyland? Blame the Unvaccinated (Wired)
  • The ’90s Startup That Terrified Microsoft and Got Americans to Go Online (Wired)
  • Current Events Quiz: 10 Topical Questions (Polemic's Pains)
  • The Death of Music Sales: If CDs are “dead,” so is iTunes. (The Atlantic)

 What are you reading?