Business Insider has compiled a list of the best of financial Tweeters for you to use - 102 Finance People You Have To Follow On Twitter

Business Insider has compiled a list of the best of financial Tweeters for you to use - 102 Finance People You Have To Follow On Twitter

17 September 2014, 21:11
Mike Dennis
There are a bunch of ways to get good information about markets. Some of them like getting a Bloomberg terminal. The other way is Twitter. It's become a place where even the biggest names on Wall Street go to get a word.

Business Insider has compiled a list of the best of financial Tweeters for you to use. These are people we follow all day, and if you're going to get serious about using this awesome tool, you should follow them too.

  • Pawel Morski
  • Handle: @Pawelmorski
  • Occupation: Veteran fund manager 
  • Why: He dominates Twitter when it comes to emerging markets and currencies. 
  • David Powell
  • Handle: @davidjpowell24
  • Occupation: Euro-area economist at Bloomberg LP and author of: A Trader's Guide to the Euro Area: Economic Indicators, the ECB and the Euro Crisis.
  • Why: The Euro crisis isn't really over.
  • The Skeptic
    Handle: @TheSkeptic
  • Occupation: ---
  • Why: His tweets on Bill Ackman's infamous Herbalife short were so good that the media raced to uncover his identity.
  • Diogenes
  • Handle: @WallStCynic
  • Occupation: --
  • Why: There are facts, and then there are "facts" on Wall Street, the person behind this account questions them both. Expect a lot of skepticism about what the financial community is talking about, and even skepticism about the issues the community isn't talking about. Raw numbers, data, stats, that's all here too.

  • Sebastien Galy
  • Handle: @sebastiengaly
  • Occupation: Senior currency strategist at Societe Generale
  • Why: He's extremely sharp. He keeps important conversations going on Twitter with great questions. But he'll also raise doubt on tweets. 

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