Moedas / NOKJPY
NOKJPY: Norwegian Krona vs Japanese Yen
A taxa do NOKJPY para hoje mudou para 0.09%. Paralelamente, o preço mais baixo no mercado atingiu 13.757 e o mais alto foi 13.854.
- M5
- M15
- M30
- H1
- H4
- D1
- W1
- MN
NOKJPY Notícias
- FXStreet USD/NOK recovers following NB hawkish hold.
- FXStreet USD/NOK remains steady as cautious remarks by Fed officials underpin the USD
- FXStreet USD/NOK with light losses on quiet Friday, cautious Fed supports the USD
- FXStreet USD/NOK finds some traction despite soft US data
- FXStreet USD/NOK continues losing ground after PPI, CPI data looms
- FXStreet USD/NOK edges lower on quiet Monday, ahead of US CPI
- FXStreet USD/NOK gains ground as markets digest Fed official's words, Eurozone outlook
- FXStreet USDNOK found sellers after Elliott Wave double three
- Investing Dollar steadies after sharp losses; Swiss franc slumps on rate cut
- FXStreet USD/NOK declines following Norway's Q4 GDP figures
- FXStreet USD/NOK faces a steep decline after Norges Bank and Fed’s decision
- FXStreet USD/NOK ascending on market reaction to US CPI, rate cut forecasts in spotlight
Copiar sinais de negociação por NOKJPY
Faixa diária
Faixa anual
- Fechamento anterior
- 13.84 1
- Open
- 13.81 4
- Bid
- 13.82 7
- Ask
- 13.85 7
- Low
- 13.75 7
- High
- 13.85 4
- Volume
- 1.298 K
- Mudança diária
- 0.31%
- Mudança mensal
- 2.48%
- Mudança de 6 meses
- -2.51%
- Mudança anual
- 2.20%
04 outubro, sexta-feira
- Atu.
- Projeç.
- Prév.
- 66.0 mil