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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

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I codici sorgente più scaricati questa settimana

  • CDownLoadHistory class The CDownLoadHistory class provides the methods of historical data downloading.
  • LeMan Objective The indicator shows possible targets of price movement. It calculates the distance from the market entry price to the highs and lows displaying the quartiles deviation.
  • OptimReport v2.15 If you want to optimize your Expert Advisor using your own characteristics, you can use "Custom max" mode via OnTester() function. This code provides you many characteristics, which can be used during the optimization of your EA. Also it allows you to save the optimized charateristics in HTML file.

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Ci sono più di 150 prodotti disponibili nel Market

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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • Clock-Indiсator The indicator shows the current date, time, the current spread and stop levels.
  • ChartChanger The script is assigned to a hot key for quick change of charts around in a circle.

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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • NextBarColor The indicator "predicts" the color of the next bar with the probability specified in the settings. It is useful for the evaluation of strategies aimed at such a prediction when choosing trading instruments / timeframes for strategies. Caution: The indicator "looks into the future", so do not apply it in real life or in the strategy tester!
  • Visual Аnalysis AfterTesting Easier visual analysis of graphical objects created by the strategy tester.

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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • Three Screen Elder Arrows An indicator in the form of arrows on the basis of Elder's trading system.
  • Levels Another version of the indicator that calculates support/resistance levels.

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