How to Start with Metatrader 5 - page 32


MT4 New Build 600 (how to upgrade to build 600) - suggestion of Christina Li

You are off topic,  this forum is mql5,  this thread is:  How to Start with Metatrader 5   -  please post to the mql4 forum

Please take your own advice    


Did you see the banner on the top of the page? We all are inside one portal. And this is key news (about 'how to upgrade to build 600 in easy going way'). Example:

  • 'how to secure mql4 code' is not key news - I mean - nothing will be seriously happened if majority of the coders will not secure mql4 codes/ex4 commercial files in right way.
  • but if the majority of the traders will not upgrade to 600 in right way so it may be the problem - for them and for us here (because they will ask and ask ... complain and complain everywhere).

Of course, if coders (who are making money by Signals and in the Market) decide to create/to upload similar video to help english speaking users to - please let me know by link, and I will delete this "my video" by myself and will use their video by link.

But untill now - I was reading many questions everywhere about upgrading to 600 with a lot of discussion on many forums. And this video is only one I found which is explaining about HowTo in very flexible way.

Majority of the traders are not reading anything ... they are asking ... and asking everywhere so this video are helping.

I wanted to create such the video by myself but my russian pronunciation ... you understand ... so - we have what we have sorry.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Internet Browser Requirements

Alexx, 2013.01.17 10:51

Do you have Service Pack 3 installed? Internet Explorer 8 can be installed on Windows XP. Try to install all the available updates for the system first.

Internet Explorer 8 or higher is required for the Market to work in MetaTrader terminal

because -

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Internet Browser Requirements

Alexx, 2013.01.18 09:06

Internet Explorer is a system component, even if you uninstall it will not be removed completely, you'll just be unable to start its executable file (and some other things). Its core files used by OS and other applications will stay. You can read more here.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2014.02.13 15:46

3 Types of Forex Analysis (based on dailyfx article)


Forex fundamental centers mostly around the currency’s interest rate. Other fundamental factors are included such as Gross Domestic Product, inflation, manufacturing, economic growth activity. However, whether those other fundamental releases are good or bad is of less importance than how those releases affect that country’s interest rate.

As you review the fundamental releases, keep in mind how it might affect the future movement of the interest rates. When investors are in a risk seeking mode, money follows yield and higher rates could mean more investment. When investors are in a risk adverse mentality, then money leaves yield for safe haven currencies.


Forex technical analysis involves looking at patterns in price history to determine the higher probability time and place to enter and exit a trade. As a result, forex technical analysis is one of the most widely used types of analysis.
Since FX is one of the largest and most liquid markets, the movements on a chart from the price action generally gives clues about hidden levels of supply and demand. Other patterned behavior such as which currencies are trending the strongest can be obtained by reviewing the price chart.

Other technical studies can be conducted through the use of indicators. Many traders prefer using indicators because the signals are easy to read and it makes forex trading simple.


Forex sentiment is another widely popular form of analysis. When you see sentiment overwhelmingly positioned to one direction that means the vast majority of traders are already committed to that position.

Since we know there is a large pool of traders who have already BOUGHT, then these buyers become a future supply of sellers. We know that because eventually, they are going to want to close out the trade. That makes the EUR to USD vulnerable to a sharp pull back if these buyers turn around and sell to close out there trades.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2014.02.15 06:58

Trader Styles and Flavors (based on dailyfx article)

Technical vs. Fundamental

Technical analysis is the art of studying past price behavior and attempting to anticipate price moves in the future. These are traders that focus solely on price charts and often times incorporate indicators and tools to assist them. They look at price action, support and resistance levels, and chart patterns to create trading strategies that hopefully will turn a profit.

Fundamental analysis looks at the underlying economic conditions of each currency. Traders will turn to the Economic Calendar and Central Bank Announcements. They attempt to predict where price might be headed based on interest rates, jobless claims, treasury yields and more. This can be done by looking at patterns in past economic news releases or by understanding a country’s economic situation.

Short-Term vs. Medium-Term vs. Long-Term

Deciding what time frame we should use is mostly decided by how much time you have to devote to the market on a day-to-day basis. The more time you have each day to trade, the smaller the time frame you could trade, but the choice is ultimately yours.

Short-Term trading generally means placing trades with the intention of closing out the position within the same day, also referred to as
“Day Trading” or “Scalping” if trades are opened and closed very rapidly. Due to the speed at which trades are opened and closed, short-term traders use small time-frame charts (Hourly, 30min, 15min, 5min, 1min).

Medium-Term trades or “Swing Trades” typically are left open for a few hours up to a few days. Common time frames used for this type of trading are Daily, 4-hour and hourly charts.

Long-Term trading involves keeping trades open for days, weeks, months and possibly years. Weekly and Daily charts are popular choices for long term traders. If you are a part-time trader, it might be suitable to begin by trading long term trades that require less of your time.

Discretionary vs. Automated

Discretionary trading means a trader is opening and closing trades by using their own discretion. They can use any of the trading styles listed above to create a strategy and then implement that strategy by placing each individual trade.
The first challenge is creating a winning strategy to follow, but the second (and possibly more difficult) challenge is diligently following the strategy through thick and thin. The psychology of trading can wreak havoc on an otherwise profitable strategy if you break your own rules during crunch time.

Automated trading or algorithmic trading requires the same time and dedication to create a trading strategy as a discretionary trader, but then the trader automates the actual trading process. In other words, computer software opens and closes the trades on its own without needing the trader’s assistance. This has three main benefits. First, it saves the trader quite a bit of time since they no longer have to monitor the market as closely to input trades. Second, it takes the emotions out of trading by letting a computer open and close trades on your behalf. This means you are following your strategy to the letter and are not able to deviate. And third, automated strategies can trade 24 hours a day, 5 days a week giving your account the ability to take advantage of any opportunity that comes its way no matter the time of day.


I am planning to start technical analysis using digital filters (because I made it during the many years and I like digital filters a lot) so it is just an article to start about :

Technical Indicators and Digital Filters

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

How to Start with Metatrader 5

newdigital, 2013.07.24 10:00

I just want to remind about how to insert the images to the post - read this small article

========= - User Memo :

2. Messages Editor

All your texts in Forum, Articles and Code Base are edited in a single environment with a convenient and easy-to-use interface. Let us take a look at its capabilities.

  • You can switch between the visual and HTML text representations by clicking the HTML button. This button changes its name to VISUAL while viewing the HTML, and it returns you to the visual view of the text. This function allows you to make your text most structured and formalized.
  • The drop-down list where you can select one of the three languages ​​in which your message will be automatically translated by the Google Translate service.

    Automatic translation of a message

  • The Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y) buttons are intended for canceling the last action and redoing the last canceled action, respectively.
  • The Bulleted list button is intended to make a bulleted list. (Every item in the list starts with a bullet.)
  • The Numbered list button is intended to make a numerical list. (Every item in the list has an index number.)
  • The Increase Indent button is intended to decrease the rank of the element in the list.
  • The Decrease Indent button is intended to increase the rank of the element in the list.
  • The Horizontal Line button (Ctrl+H) is intended for inserting a horizontal line into text.
  • The Link button (Ctrl+Alt+L) is used for adding links into messages. The Link window appears as soon as you click this button (shown next).

    Insert hyperlink

    In the Link field, you should specify the address of the link and then click the Insert button.

  • The Image button (Ctrl+Alt+I) is used for inserting pictures into messages. The Image window appears as soon as you click the button (shown next).

    Insert image

    In the Upload image field, you should specify the picture file. To do it, click the Browse button that opens the standard window to choose files. Select the necessary file and click the Insert button to confirm the choice, or click the Cancel button to end without uploading a file. In the Title field, you can specify the comment that will be displayed as a pop-up help if you move the mouse cursor over the picture.

    In HTML mode, it is prohibited to insert external links to images (HTML tag "src"). It is also prohibited to insert text, containing such images.

    When you try to save text that contains external links to images, such links will be automatically deleted. This is done to ensure safety of members.

I am new and the other I tried to open a life account, at a point when i was trying to send the verification for my information the computer stopped working. What do i do to get back to my live account? 
No idea ... you can try once again because as I understand - you did not finish the openning