Are you ready to give up MT4 for MT5 ? - page 4

I want to use MT4. Thanks :)
I like MT4
I said this long ago. Mt5 will never replace mt4 unless it works exactly like mt4 in terms of trading style. And if mt5 is reverted to work like mt4 isnt that just as good as just staying with mt4 since the current mt4 already supports the new programming language as well as the old one. When something is popular its usually best to work along what makes it popular but if you introduce something new with completely different features from what is popular its a big risk. Instead of mt5 it would have saved alot to just update mt4 to what it is now and add the new sections to the website. This poll landslide for mt4.

Well I think, Metaquotes has one problem named: "Who pays the bill?".

The clients pay the broker and the broker pay Metaquotes. So if the clients don't migrate the broker won't do that too and won't pay for the mt5 server.

BTW, there are quite a lot newbees trying to create their own EA.

Alain Verleyen, you might start some time later another poll for those with experience in mt4 and mt5: What do you think would be easier to learn for newbees mt4 or mt5?


Dont exist space for all? We only want purchase and sale, or sale and repurchase the same financial assets (stocks, derivatives, commodities or currencies).

There are several trading platforms, which are not behind this solution that we all use.

Carl Schreiber:

Well I think, Metaquotes has one problem named: "Who pays the bill?".

The clients pay the broker and the broker pay Metaquotes. So if the clients don't migrate the broker won't do that too and won't pay for the mt5 server.

BTW, there are quite a lot newbees trying to create their own EA.

Alain Verleyen, you might start some time later another poll for those with experience in mt4 and mt5: What do you think would be easier to learn for newbees mt4 or mt5?

Don't need a poll for that, mql4 is easier. There is lesser chance for newbies non-coder to be successful coding their things like with mql4.

@Francis, @Yohana, @Vi, @Khurram, @Tonny and all others...

I think you misunderstood the topic and the situation, it's not about "Do you want to keep MT4 ?", it's about "Are you ready ..." to switch to MT5.

It's very clear now, Metaquotes has now decided to switch to MT5 and to give up MT4, it's just a matter of time now.. It's better for you to see the reality sooner than later.

Of course, if you want to create a protest movement, you are free to do it, but that's completely an other matter.

Alain Verleyen:

Hello all,

If you are not aware about it, you have to know that Metaquotes is pushing hard for traders and brokers to adopt MT5. They are currently developing MT5/mql5 to fill in all the missing features that prevent the switch to MT5 from MT4.

Broker will get facilities to migrate MT4 account to MT5 :

 So, what's your opinion, will Metaquotes succeed or traders will stay hooked to MT4 ? What will you do personally ?


The topic is hot, so please keep calm and polite. I am not employee of Metaquotes and don't have any interested on MT4 or MT5, so don't blame the messenger.

I have been moving away from MT4 for a few months now.

The way I see it Metaquotes is going to eventually merge the 2 platforms. So that means for me to continue with this I am going to be forced to learn a new programming language. I learned C so I could do more with MT4, eventually I will have to learn C+ just continue what I have already started. If I am going to be forced to learn a new language it will be one I choose.

There are other platforms out there, the one I use through my broker is in my opinion better than MT4 and has improved my trading-alot !

I consider MT4 and the programming I do just a hobby now that keeps me from over trading my account and I have no plans at all to move to MT5.

I just wish Metaquotes would implement some sort of support system and be more active in the forums. The newbies need the support without relying on a few volunteers.

If traders were to be forced to move to mt5 then mt5 must be made to support programs made from mt4 using the older mql4 programing as well as allow hedging to avoid unnecessary trouble. And that's simply like either reverting mt5 into mt4 or renaming mt4 to mt5 to cover up the fact that mt5 failed. Years since mt5 came still mt4 remains most popular. Trader right must be considered I hope metaquotes does good research this time to avoid repeating these mistakes. Its unwise to kill whats most popular in favour of the least popular.
Alain Verleyen:

@Francis, @Yohana, @Vi, @Khurram, @Tonny and all others...

I think you misunderstood the topic and the situation, it's not about "Do you want to keep MT4 ?", it's about "Are you ready ..." to switch to MT5.

It's very clear now, Metaquotes has now decided to switch to MT5 and to give up MT4, it's just a matter of time now.. It's better for you to see the reality sooner than later.

Of course, if you want to create a protest movement, you are free to do it, but that's completely an other matter.

People power forced hedging to be introduced to mt5 by boycotting it. Don't underestimate people power. Can do wonders.