The future of the Forex industry - page 145


Are there going to be any prouphs? Where's the proof, Billy? We need proof!

You keep repeating it like a dogmatic mantra, that's all.

The theory of elitist democracy has been in one form or another by many, including grandpa Pareto, Mosca, Michels.

Pareto was the first to write that the history of societies is first of all a process of renewal of the elites.

All talked about the rise of new elites and the processes associated with them, including from the lower strata.

The selection of those most capable of governing from among the active and intelligent.

All this is confirmed by American empirical experience, which is hard to deny.

Elite democracy is essentially elitist pluralism with its own sets of values.

It is argued that there are many elites and none of them dominate all areas of life. There is competition between elites with different political aims but also a common agreement on the "rules of the game". The multitude of opposing elites creates a well-known "balance of power in society that ensures the democratic solution of issues of power". For example, S. Keller argues that in Western society leadership belongs not to one elite, "but rather to a complex system of specialized elites". Thus, the theory of elite democracy assumes the understanding of democracy as a free competition of applicants.

We all realise that direct democracy has not and cannot be the Novgorod Veche-type anyway, don't we?

I do not understand what to prove, that about elitist democracy Schumpeter reasoned at the end of Ism and D, and that he imagined it utopian, saying that an elitist class will form in the future and rule happily. Wrong opinion. And the idea was developed, but Joseph has nothing to do with it anymore) And calling the power groups elite is not very good. )))

There cannot be direct democracy in a society with different people.)

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Cool. Where's the logic in that? You find shells and conclude that people were trading with each other in the 7th century. Clark and his ax more often than not. Apart from artifacts before the 9th century, there's no data.

Read it carefully, I'm already too lazy to comment a hundred times 😂

Trying to deny ancient trade is just so ridiculous I don't even know what to compare it to...

I've already written about commodity money and warehousing, I won't repeat it.

Just silly excuses that like finds don't prove 😃

The number of publications is off the charts and you see in a made up mana world...

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Let us distinguish between inter-tribal, or intra-tribal, trade and intra-community trade. Inter-tribal trade came before intra-tribal trade. And legal relations arose within society before the advent of money.

You should be ashamed of yourself)) You must be ashamed of your narrow-mindedness and unbridled faith in authority.)

You are being demagogic again.

Do you realize that, for example, the settler groups called "Eastern Slavs" often did not even realize they were Slavs?

Do they now distinguish who traded with whom?


It does not matter who came with whom or where from, as long as they did not come with a sword.

How did Greek goods get deep into Scythia, huh?

Did they trade from border to border then?

Well, you've got to think.

Don't talk nonsense.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Let us distinguish between inter-tribal, or intra-tribal, trade and intra-community trade. Inter-tribal trade came before intra-tribal trade. And legal relations arose within society before the advent of money.

You should be ashamed of yourselves))) The rigidity of thought, unbridled faith in authority.)

Of course, no matter what the authoritative scientific opinion is, we will read all kinds of frauds and fake scribes like Graeber, right?

Shame on you...


I've been waiting!

Why are you preparing so slowly?

Are you working on the construction site or something? 😀

You won't believe it, I'm not working, but earning! )
As for slow, that's the way to go, fast has been done many times before.
I'm in the second leg of the profit phase and I've decided to give it a boost.
I`m in the second leg of the trade ))))
) And the first leg is forex and since it is in a drawdown then according to the laws of diversification I am averaging forex a little and charging for the whole cutlet with construction )
Valeriy Yastremskiy:

The main thing is to be a good person and all will be well)

Drimmer is very good, the best! 😁

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Sometimes you get the impression that robots have already replaced the Dreamer. Otherwise, how else can one explain such a rObOutability to write comments on the forum. In the morning, afternoon and night, the 'Trance' robot and the 'Drimmer' robot are continuously writing in several threads without resting... Separately, these robots have been programmed to insert the word 'plant' after a few thousand characters. But sometimes something goes wrong and 'factory' appears more often, then the one nobody knows takes them to the factory to be repaired, the robots are flashed with new software, augmented with new knowledge bases obtained through the AI of the main factory robot, and then the robots start making high value comments on the forum again. And so it goes day after day!

Drimmer is a neural network, everyone has known for a long time 😀 and the Factory as Aleksey Nikolayev has rightly pointed out yet is a metaphysical hyper-object.


If I remember correctly I had to trade 3 quarters (?) with equal unchanged TP=SL and maintain at least 70% win rate and at least 300 or 500 trades (?).

Not really. Apart from "and maintain at least a 70% win rate.... " you're just trying to get me to go into space?
Let me remind you again. By results of trades (not less than 1 quarter and not less than 300 trades/transactions) win rate should be 70%, with equal TP/SL.
It means that during the process wine rating can be higher or lower, but at the end of the process it should not be lower than 70%.
These were the conditions.
Renat Akhtyamov:

You were there for me, and you never found a solution.

It's a shame about you, really.

so many great and useful multicurrency indies, research

It's hard, no argument.

you shot a good shot - the cross is to blame,

but didn't find it, didn't understand the cause, didn't get to the point.....

plant of course

Another fake came running in and was jealous of the drier 😀

How many have laughed at you in the humorous bablokos threads and it's clear to all that you're a fake fantasist not even versed in terms.

What is it about BA? 😁 need to find a picture...

Your [s]verbiage[/s] :)))) rhetoric for peaceful purposes :))))