The future of the Forex industry - page 140


Did you miss the posts about the venerable Schumpeter shitting his pants in a ministerial job and then in a bank?

And no one is arguing about the separation of investor and start-up...

Even for Schumpeter, elitist democracy had the sense of an intellectual elite, to which he obviously counted himself.

Especially since with his socialist ambitions at the end of his career, this was the only kind of elitism he had left...

The elite will have some kind of elite in any case, including in a democracy of course, simply by the fact that they are more weighty people than others.

The economy is above the right in the existential sense.

So you can order everybody to be fed, but if there is no production, what's the use?

Poor Khorosh kept complaining about the low wages...

Does anyone feel sorry for him to get a raise? - Yes, but where can they get the extra product for that money? - One has to create it first...

Ulad is the worst because he can't even work in a factory, he can only work as a cleaner, that's why he was complaining all the way.

The economy exists before the law and even without the law - that should be obvious.

Graeber with debt you can't even try to drag on - it's a bottom.

Yeah kinda know the bio. Just separating the man's life and the result of his life. So the arguments on the quirks of life are dismissed. His reasoning about elitism is considered flawed. And the division between start-ups, capitalists and investors is his innovation. Newton in general was an extremely unpleasant fellow, a misogynist and an alchemist) It's not like we're recalling his works on alchemy.

As a matter of fact you are wrong. It is primary and affects the development of society and the economy, not the other way around. The Chinese version, it is the right applied law in economic development, not the other way around.

And Greber has nothing to do with it, neither does A.Smith. There are two theories of the origin of money. To me the theory through taxes makes more sense than through substitution of commodity exchange in the tribes. But today's pristine tribes in the Brazilian forests do. They have no money! And wedding/funeral debts arise. And the book is well written)


And here's the scary part... If all this superstructure suddenly disappears for some reason and you can't just sound vibes and compose characters in rows... and you have to actually go to the factory... 😵

It's no big deal)


It's their personal problem - let them earn more...

Besides, it's not so straightforward, they wouldn't buy if they didn't think they needed it, you know?

So the proverbial 100 families had something of value to offer them.

And in general your passages have a bias towards conspiracism and socialist powerless envy again...


This, by the way, could be the beginning of a distortion that could lead to a crisis) Innovative options then yes)) but it's groups of financial powerbrokers families (what a word))) They use their position of power and non-competitive methods to maintain their advantage. They do not have the task to offer anything, they need to survive.)

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

What's wrong with living in a factory until retirement if everything in a worker's life is enough? To each his own. Business ideas are an exclusive activity. Besides, out of all this creative crap, one in a million works)

Yeah, well... By the way, today I was shown a video of a real factory in Bratsk... I love this kind of video... phenomenal dark noir, quality impregnation, existential rapture... I could shoot Stalker...

At least throw me a link)

There's a problem with that 😁 no one has to know who the IRL's the drifter is... just to be safe... but the confab is easy to find by keywords in the "investment" subsection...

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Circus, clowns and jesters are eternal members of any community). And it's a serious and brutal business actually)

Clowns... maybe so... Even in tiktok nowadays, fools are making money and it's okay...

An indicator of the degradation of society? - maybe... but whose fault is that...


But does incomplete truth count as a lie?

Since falsehood and truth refer to the subject reflecting on it, I think that if one believes a lie, it is the truth. And a lie in the necessity of salvation is the truth. And a lie for a good joke is also the truth :))

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

People are different, inequality is not a necessity for development, it is a property of the human community. In addition, any self-organisation of society implies leadership and subordination. And there are many times more subordinates).

It is even a property not only of people, but in general apparently a property of distribution in a sufficiently complex system, where advantageous combinations are rare (combinations of genes, learned skills, information, connections, luck).

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Little has changed in terms of the structure of society and the motivation of its members. And progress... Doesn't change much in terms of psychosomatics.

How to manage Toner's slaves is also a good example that nothing has essentially changed in society. The boundaries have only shifted. And the tendencies of behaviour. the motivations remain the same.

I would probably agree with that, there are common threads that have persisted since antiquity.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

I think I know the biography. I just separate the man's life from the result of his life. So the arguments on quirks in life are dismissed. His reasoning about elitism is considered flawed. And the division between start-ups, capitalists and investors is his innovation. Newton in general was an extremely unpleasant fellow, a misogynist and an alchemist) We do not recall his works on alchemy.

So why are they wrong if elites obviously exist objectively?

There are political/economic elites and intellectual elites too, aren't there?

It's strange to deny that they have significant influence.

There are also elitist entrepreneurs now, everyone is aware of them, I won't even name 😀

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

You are wrong about the essence of law. It is primary and influences the development of society and the economy, not the other way around. The Chinese version, it is the right applied law in economic development, not the other way around.

But you don't give any evidence and you are trying to contradict the generally accepted version 😁

And what is that called? - Blabbermouth.

Unlike you I have already given examples where law follows economics, well google it at least 🤣😃😄 you look ridiculous

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