EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1972

strangerr >>:

Спасибо. 41

Ouch !!!
I'm actually not that old..... :)
I would say... not even that old :)))
Galina >>:

Ой !!!
Я вообще то не такая старая..... :)
Я бы сказала... совсем даже не старая :)))

Did I say I was old?))


3 days and still not overlapping - 13550 only managed to break through it looks like a strong movement will grow

waitra писал(а) >>

Looking at the white (or bright light colours) continuously on a monitor strains your eyes more (try looking at a white screen for 10 minutes and then at the grey/blue screen for an experiment - compare how it feels). Colour changing is not a big deal. As long as there's no flickering black-white, green-red, etc. For me the graphics don't look dark, more like neutral, muted.
About the settings, I've decided for myself that the brightness of the screen is set to 50%, with white looking white, but it doesn't glow (eyes hardly ever get tired).

As for contrasts - if the colours are inverse (blue-pink, green-red) - it quickly throws off the balance and scatters attention, if the contrast pairs (white and blue) - on the contrary - increases concentration and attention.

If to approach absolutely subtly - the form and dynamics of proportions of colours has on much more value than separately taken colour. For example, a thin strip of pure blue next to a thin strip of pure yellow - in the sum visually give the gray. If you take two identical "black on white" arrays of text, the antique one (with serifs at the letter ends) reads twice as fast and is almost no strain on the eye as the same array of text printed in sans serif type. That's in brief :-)

Thanks for the useful information...
The veterans are back in the ranks.
Rested and happy.
no one is pulling the market down
NikT_58 писал(а) >>
Veterans are back in the ranks.
Rested and happy.

The sand is crumbling and everyone's arguing about who's younger-no offense meant.

Skymaster писал(а) >>
I take it I'm not the only one my family thinks is an idiot? =) All traders are misunderstood... =( We just don't want to work )))))))

Wahaha!!! What a good point!

Galina wrote >>

Oh !!!
I'm actually not that old..... :)
>> I'd say... not even that old :)))

Stranger was actually referring to himself, Galochka, and his age :) In case you haven't noticed, he had his birthday a couple of days ago too.

And my year of birth we passed on the last page... What was that all about?


Looks like the nearest targets are set at 1.351


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