Make your first million - page 25


Yeah yeah yeah, go on.)

do you want me to give you 20% a day easy?

How about 30%?

maybe 40% a day would interest you?

50% would be great.

60%? i just wonder when you might start to get suspicious )

70% no problem.

80% a day. who wants more?


amen )

Sergei Pantelejevic? I don't recognise you in make-up.
Don't be sarcastic) Once a year a stick shoots. A few years ago klubforex wrote about a Chinese man who earned a million dollars, before that he had lost 30-odd deposits, each in the region of a hundred.
Unfortunately this is not a pattern, it is not enough to lose 30 deposits to make a million.
I hate to say it now, but:


I'll get over my emotions tomorrow and write it out in more detail!!!

mmmoguschiy Gayawata was not embarrassed,
He offered to take up his bows,
To assure the stubborn opponents
In his rightness.

And during the contest
The results of all the shooters
were simply excellent,
But, alas, with the exception of
(As hard as it is for me to admit)
Gaiavata's result.
Gaiawatha, as usual,
Up his arrows.
He so deftly did so,
That he remained unshifted,
But in doing so, unfortunately,
He never hit the target.

"Well," said the Indians, "
We didn't expect otherwise.

Guyawata, not embarrassed,
Asked for a pen and paper,
Calculated the variances
And eventually came up with figures,
Of which it became clear,
That the arrows could only achieve
Only biased results,
And the variances were
The same
And not at all different
From the variance that
Guyawata himself achieved.

Nevertheless, the Indians,
Not believing the figures,
Took away from the hero
his light bow and arrows
And said that perhaps
Gaiavata is indeed
An outstanding statistician,
But yet completely
Useless as an archer.

As for dispersions,
Some rude ignoramus
Spoke such a word,
That, to say the honour,
In a statistical publication
I dare not repeat.

And now in the dense forest
wanders the sad Gaiavata.
Unceasingly pondering,
He remembers the normal
That law of distribution
Of deviations and errors,
That deprived him for ever
Of the glory of the best marksman.

And sometimes he thinks soberly
That he should perhaps
Aim more precisely,
In spite of the risk of dislocation,
If, however,
Sometimes he succeeds
In hitting his target with an arrow.


It's commendable to think about the meaning of life.

In our world today, success goes to the one who claps his hands the hardest and fawns over certain people. And the harder he claps, the greater the success.

Don't get too upset about the drain. You make 5% on a fund and even less on forex. And it's not a matter of intelligence here. If it were that simple, all professors would become fabulously rich.

I myself have several times increased my deposit 3-4 times and then lost it.

It seems to me that if there is any money to be made here, it is only by boring and tedious work on finding patterns and betting on them, winning statistically.

Well, thank...!! At least one normal person has spoken out - it's all about morals and no one knows what else
Thank you for your frankness!!!
Sergei Panteleyevich? I don't recognize you in your make-up.
No cheating, all is fair, all is paid
Unfortunately it is not a pattern, it is not enough to lose 30 deposits to make a million.
I am not talking about a pattern. It's just that the man fell into a vein and, to all appearances, turned on a martingale, and stopped just in time.
Don't be sarcastic) Once a year a stick shoots. A few years ago klubforex wrote about a chinese guy who made a million dollars, before that he lost 30-odd deposits, each in the region of a hundred.

Yes, that's exactly how the broker turns on the forum.

Examples are included in one of the points of the scam presentation.


Not convinced. Aren't you convinced yet that you've lost it? Check your terminal for a balance indicator.

Here we go... and that's not fantasy, that's my personal observation of the realities of some people's lives. Who says you're not?

I can not look at the terminal - it was blocked at the minimum amount - $20 - thanks Dukas )) So in reality it is difficult to call it a drain. So don't get angry prematurely.

and it's not fantasy, it's my personal observation of the realities of some people's lives. Who says you're not?

Look closely at the picture above and find yourself in it.

And who says I am "like that"?
Don't be sarcastic) Once a year a stick shoots. A few years ago, clabforex wrote about a Chinese guy who made a million dollars, before that he lost 30-odd deposits, each in the neighborhood of a hundred.
30 x 100 = 3000 - the game is worth the candle!!! Let's play