Make your first million - page 26

Look carefully at the picture above and find yourself in it.

And who said that I am "like that"?
I'm not in that picture, so don't show off your profane knowledge of psychology again.
Unfortunately, this is not a pattern, it is not enough to lose 30 deposits to make a million.
Yes indeed - some people earn 10 and some people earn 100

yes, that's how the broker winds up on the forum.

Examples are included in one of the divorce points of the presentation.

Maybe. But, there are examples there are few, but there are. For example AntFX. Still, sometimes, if you try hard enough, it works.

mmmoguschiy, there's one thing I don't understand... How did you trade?

Your trading report seems to be good, but it's not clear why certain decisions were made. What are your principles?


mmmoguschiy Gaiavata was not embarrassed,

Thanks a lot mate - you made me laugh!!! Just saw the first line - rolled under the table laughing!!! ♪ I got a tummy ache ♪
Yeah, really - some people are 10 and some people are 100.
Go on, go on, keep thinking that the number of deposits you lose increases the likelihood of making a million.
30 x 100 = 3000 - it's worth it! Let's play

It can be psychologically stressful. Better a robot, put it on wps and forget it)

No cheating, everything is fair, everyone gets paid
We Can Do Many Things.

I also believe that the financial apocalypse is inevitable.
There is no question of a pattern. It's just that the man fell into a vein and apparently switched on a martingale, and stopped in time.
This is the most important thing - to stop in time )).

mmmoguschiy, there's one thing I don't understand... How did you trade?

Your trading report seems to be good, but it's not clear why certain decisions were made. What are your principles?

Tell me exactly. What did you base your trading on?