FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 342

just words...

kiwi has taken a settlement target, I have bought

I don't trade silver

I second that, but... it's a 50/50 mess out there, and you're right and so is Strange.
i second that, but... it's a 50/50 mess out there. and you're right and Strange too.

one is right that up...

the other is right to go down...

and both are right

I don't understand the conclusion


one is right that up...

the other is right to go down...

and both are right

I don't understand the conclusion

Dad says we're both right, you bought a kiwi and I said it's stupid))))))

In the last report we have a stake with the highest volume at 1.5177, put at 1.4826, that "iron level" is the dead centre between them)))

The levels themselves do not mean much, but their disappearance or appearance does.

Ok... On the basis of this analysis we may know where the market will go at first, and then using the new report we may see which level disappeared and which new one appeared and therefore compare the interest and understand again where the trend is prevailing.
silver and trade.
OK... and based on this analysis we can know where the market will go first, and then by a new report we can see which level has disappeared and which new one has appeared and, respectively, by checking the interest again we can understand where the trend is mainly going ?
And this is not an indicator?
О! This is a question of questions. I'm just looking for an answer to it. (I'm a week away from)))))
silver current and trade.
For sale.
Ok... But on the basis of this analysis we may know where the market will go first, and then by the new report we may see which level disappeared and which new one appeared and therefore check the interest and understand again where the trend is mainly going. Isn't it an indicator?

So, we need to watch online trading on the CME website to know where the market is going first, yesterday's levels show us yesterday's intentions, and today they may be the opposite)

Dad says we're both right, you bought a kiwi and I said it was stupid))))))