FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 193

Of course you do.
On brandt I would still wait for 34-35.
If we pass 5250 and consolidate, we can then wait for a pullback into it

if we pass 5250 and consolidate, we can then wait for a pullback into it

For some reason they did not want to pay out bonuses to the bears, and there are$42,992,746,185 in contracts))))

So I covered my losses and earned almost as much)))



They say the news is bad(trend-brand-friend) )

I wonder what Carney has to say?

I would wait for 34-35 for brandt.
The levels do not work for him, you do not understand) They will press on for now (censored)
For some reason they didn't want to pay the bears bonuses and there are$42,992,746,185 worth of contracts hanging around)))
What is this, the bears got screwed?
What is this, the bears got screwed?
It's not so much that they got screwed, they got fucked) Although it's still a long way to expiry time. But tomorrow in the report I think there will be crampy fixes))))