FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 782


the demo tests aren't binding. conclusions later...

people have piled on the quid at an expensive price, i don't think it's profitable for everyone. they'll probably start discounting them at a loss to themselves. so i'm buying for now.

For everyone who does not benefit there is always someone who does not benefit ))))
For everyone who does not benefit, there will always be someone who does not benefit from what everyone does not benefit from )))

riddle... I'm going to bed before I fall asleep.



riddle... I'm going to bed before I fall asleep.


sleep well, dear comrade...

Ukrainians are, as always, the most "clever and knowledgeable" ...............

How do you know about the spot and the issue.......... have you personally been there and participated? If no, then shut up.......... If yes, then I will give you the mailing address - send a description of the events....... and do not forget to specify the return address, please, otherwise I will not believe you.

It is true in principle about TV....... I would add, "and especially do not read the Internet.

Who the hell is that gummi bear? You want to get smart?
who the hell is that Gummi Bear? You want to get smart?

Oh, you're awake! Wash and comb your hair. People here...... do financial market analysis.

Do you remember what that is? Or don't you? Then there are plenty of other forums where you can bark.......... at the moon.

What do you want, lots of people, not enough to eat?)
Why, all of a sudden?

"Putin: there will be no dollar dictatorship in the Russian economy!" American Proshmans: "Get Putin!"

"Saudi-Arabia works hand-in-hand with US to destabilise Russia's economy" and

"Russian money crash ricochets on European banks"

"A co-owner of a financial company shot himself to death in Moscow, Interfax reported, citing a law enforcement source. The incident took place in a hotel room on Mokhovaya Street.

So it is, without a doubt ;))

but the trends are catching up.


as far as i'm concerned, the quid to the yen and australia is interesting, that way.

no need to cover it.

there will be more.


It's freezing.

What about you?

It's the same - it's been raining for a week now. And the temperature is 0... +6
same thing - it's been raining for a week now. And the temperature is 0... +6
My nephew serves in the Far East -25, and we just had +17........... I hear a conversation on the phone with my uncle in the Kuban +17! ......... there's a buzz of voices on the phone Oh-O-Oh!