Annals of the forum - page 6


what is the point of the post?

when creating a survey, no information was added, then the survey post cannot be edited because the accumulated responses are reset.


What was the point of the post?

When creating a poll, no information was added, then you can't edit the poll post, because the accumulated responses are reset.

What does the poll have to do with it, I quoted what he said.

I understand you need to justify your licker and make me miserable again and send me to the bathhouse, for God's sake, but I will continue to accuse you of discrimination


This has nothing to do with the poll, I quoted what he said.

I understand you need to justify your licker and make me miserable again and send me to the bathhouse, for God's sake, but I will continue to accuse you of discrimination

No, you won't. I don't get it either, what's the point? Tell me, maybe there's something very funny in what you've quoted - and no one notices. Really, it's interesting.

This has nothing to do with the poll, I quoted what he said.

I understand you need to justify your licker and make me miserable again and send me to the bathhouse, for God's sake, but I will continue to accuse you of discrimination

The morning after?
No way. I don't get it either, what's the big deal? Tell me, maybe there's something very funny in what you've quoted - and no one notices. Really, it's interesting.
No way. I don't get it either, what's the big deal? Tell me, maybe there's something very funny in the quoted one - and no one notices. Really, I wonder.
Can you tell me what's interesting here? no one's thought about it
Morning after Friday?
Yeah, it's the morning after Friday, unlike Vaz, I don't get... 24 hours a day on the Internet, I even work on my days off.
And you explain to me what's interesting here? no one has thought about it

Zeleniy, you were specifically asked, "What's the point?" And you're just taking the piss. You barely dug up some post just to get back at me, I take it?

(UPD: Dear moderators, I vote to take down all posts starting with this one and below:

Otherwise the "Annals" thread will be littered with such musings)

Can you explain to me what's interesting here? No one's thought about it

You see green, a sense of humour, irony, the ear for music and many other senses are not muscles located in the head. They cannot be trained. They are either there or they are not.

Possessing any ability is not a merit of its owner, nor is its absence a fault. This is from birth and given by genes, God, the star under which they are born, karma, etc. Who believes in what.

You have a hole where your sense of humour should be. But it's not your fault. It is more than compensated by your hypertrophied sense of anger.


There are 5 body parts in the MT to determine how the order was opened from the panel - arm, leg, head, g and x. By default, the server records that some body part was opened. Without specifying which one. Which one exactly - it can be seen later on results of trading. :)
Может ли ДЦ определить кто торгует: робот или руки?
Может ли ДЦ определить кто торгует: робот или руки?
Есть ли какая-нибудь разница в торговых запросах отсылаемых вручную и с помощью советника?