Interesting and Humour - page 952

Now that's a different story, numbers calculations, no rockets or aliens)

NASA counted more.

"The meteorite (that fell in) Russia is the largest recorded since 1908 (Tunguska)."


Let's continue. Keyboardist and composer Leonid


Let's get on with it.

All right, then.


All right, then.

Young Travolta


A reunion after 24 years


The soul has not disappeared, it has remained, you just don't understand it now. The artist puts at least a drop of soul into every creation, without it nothing can be done.

That's what I heard from my grandparents: "Are your films stupid?"

They didn't laugh at it or watch it, they weren't interested in it, it wasn't their time.

And I'm telling you, they don't play like that nowadays.