Interesting and Humour - page 9



Chuma, cool man, he charges $10,000 a drawing.

I know the fun will come, I know the garden will bloom when we have people like that in the aul.

And the guy really is a monster: http://supreme906.narod. ru/kart. content/detris. htm


There are three eggs in the nest, starting tomorrow or so.

Iowa, bald eagle.

Here's dinner.

The iPhone has been taught to translate the text it sees on the fly


The husband flew in. When asked where you had been for two days, the father tried to cluck his beak in an inarticulate way about suspicions of constant surveillance and a crowd of gawkers under the tree.

By the way, there is a hare on the left at the bottom of the frame. There was a hare yesterday, now half a hare.

two have already hatched


The husband flew in. When asked where you had been for two days, the father tried to cluck his beak in an inarticulate way about suspicions of constant surveillance and a crowd of gawkers under the tree.

By the way, there is a hare on the left at the bottom of the frame. There was a hare yesterday, now half a hare.

two have already hatched

Lemming for dinner tonight, some poultry yesterday. She doesn't suffer from monotonous menus. She eats a lot, though.