Interesting and Humour - page 14


Imagine you need to mail an item (e.g. a book) to a friend. However, you live in a country where any item sent by mail is bound to be stolen,

unless it is in a box locked with a padlock. You have locks, but you also have the keys to them. Your friend also has locks (other locks) and the keys to them.

In order to open or close the lock you must have a key (locks do not latch). The hinges on the box are narrow and only one lock fits in.

How do I pass a book to a friend by post in the minimum amount of operations?

Are the locks stolen too if they are open?
Do locks get stolen if they are open too?
Of course they do. They steal everything that's not nailed down. The whole country's gone to pieces __________________


The hinges on the drawer are narrow...

how many hinges on the drawer?
how many hinges are there on the drawer?

You put the book in and send the parcel with the lock closed, the recipient hangs up his lock and sends it back, you remove your lock and send it again but with the recipient's one lock.

ZS sergeev prompted me with his question.


You put the book in and send the parcel with the lock closed, the recipient hangs up his lock and sends it back, you remove your lock and send it again but with the recipient's one lock.

ZS sergeev prompted me with his question.

Where does the recipient hang his lock?
сколько петель на ящике?



Well, no, you don't,

you put the lock on one hinge, close it and send it.

The recipient puts his lock on your lock, closes the lock, puts the key in the parcel and puts the second lock on his and the hinge.

You receive open your lock, take out the key from the recipient's first lock put the book put the recipient's first lock on the hinge and the recipient's second lock, close the first lock sends.

Sender k1 * 1-*--> k1

Recipient k2,k3 *-3-2-1-*(k2)--> k3

Sender k1 k2 *-3-2 *, *-3-2-1-* (book)-->

receiver k3 * 2-1-* book


The lower part has a "hinge" with a hole for the shackle of one lock only.

The top has a "hinge" with a hole for the shackle of only one lock.

the hinge in the drawing is a double hinge, although I may not be correct in my interpretation of the word hinge, but it is a reasonable assumption for this application.


Well, it's not,

you put the lock on one hinge, close it and send it.

The recipient puts his lock on your lock, closes the lock, puts the key in the parcel and puts the second lock on his and the hinge.

You receive open your lock, take out the key from the recipient's first lock put the book put the recipient's first lock on the hinge and the recipient's second lock, close the first lock sends.

Sender k1 * 1-*--> k1

Recipient k2,k3 *-3-2-1-*(k2)--> k3

Sender k1 k2 *-3-2 *, *-3-2-* (book)-->

Recipient k3 * 2-* book


Sender k1 * 1-*--> k1

Receiver k2,k3 *-3-2-1-*(k2)--> k3

Sender k1 k2 *-3-2 *, *-3-2-*(book)-->

Recipient k3 * 2-*-book

I don't get it, words are better.