Interesting and Humour - page 535


I can't, if I turn around now, you'll get wet.

And then you turn around.

I am free from prejudice

Unrelenting depression? Wouldn't motivation work better? ))
Unrelenting depression? Wouldn't motivation work better? ))

Motivation, demotivation, wins and losses all end up

which makes the fight itself meaningless at any stage.

In short, we need to get out :)


Motivation, demotivation, wins and losses all end up

which makes the fight itself pointless at any stage.

In short, we should quit :)

But nevertheless (from the same place): "Neither to prove, nor to refute a hypothesis of thermal death of the Universe by modern scientific forces it is impossible since our knowledge of the Universe is still minuscule and we cannot claim with certainty that the Universe is not under the action of external forces, or can be considered a closed thermodynamic system.

It could be over for us much sooner. )) And there's not much to go on. )))

tol64For us, it could all be over much sooner. )) There's nowhere else to go. )))
Yeah, all the planet has to do is accept 2-3 asteroids for 10,000 years after every ice age :))

Nope. The universe is evolving towards the transition of interstellar dust and gas to star formation. There is less and less free gas in space. Stars, in turn, eventually merge and absorb each other to form black holes. Galaxies merge, black holes merge. Eventually, one big ass black hole. Then it's all over again, I guess. The nearest global catastrophe is the merger of our galaxy with the Andromeda galaxy in 3-4 billion years. Although, in as little as 1-2 billion years the sun will start to turn into a red giant and swallow the Earth. And much sooner, in 0.5 billion years, the Earth will be baked like a pie.

In short, we're all going to die.

Yup, enough for the planet to accept 2-3 asteroids, within 10,000 years of each ice age :))

Things could be much earlier. Much sooner!

In fact, google "Yellowstone volcano", lots of interesting information on it :)


Things could be much earlier. Much!

In fact, google "Yellowstone volcano", lots of interesting information on it :)

My friend, it is only the most famous, or rather promoted of supervolcanoes, and by the way not the most dangerous.