Interesting and Humour - page 4437

Not volunteer, but volunteer. It's a buzzword nowadays.
Denis Sartakov:

Hello all !

I've been doing time for, you won't believe, "Mocking the dead" !

What the hell are you posting these idiotic faces for? They make me sick in the street. What is this degenerate propaganda?
Aleksey Ivanov:
Why the hell are you posting these idiotic faces here? They make me sick in the street. What is this degenerate propaganda?


Aleksey Ivanov:
Why the hell are you posting these idiotic faces here? They make me sick in the street. What is this degeneracy propaganda?

Detochkin and the idiotic faces in the street that make you sick are completely different characters that have nothing in common either in their personality, intelligence or physiognomy.


guests came unexpectedly, what should I do?


Detochkin and the idiotic faces in the street that make you sick are completely different characters who have nothing in common either in their personality, intelligence or physiognomy.

Yes, indeed, I looked it up online - it's a picture of "Detochkin". Well then why the hell would this picture be published with a shitty comment? What's so funny about"sat on an article, you won't believe, "Mocking the dead" !" ? Why sling mud at a man?

Only your own project is capable of being called a scumbag.

but before kohl there is none, mocking the dead does not cause offence)) kids

Such a statement on a branch is only a dot....
Aлександр Антошкин:

Snickers to the rescue.

It's a masterpiece.
