Interesting and Humour - page 4232


if you want me to write "divine light" - please, it's not difficult for me: divine light

That's it, halfway done on the road to nirvana, the beast has been scared off.

All that remains is for you to think of divine light coming from the original source of infinite Light to you personally.


Wouldn't you like to, for example?

Yoga+meditation+something-something else is doing its job


Yoga+meditation+something-something else is doing its job

That's way out of line, try what I suggest...

That's it, halfway done on the road to nirvana, the beast has been scared away.

All that's left is for you to think about the divine light coming from the original source of infinite Light to you personally.

This is very reminiscent, by the way, of Pelevin's concept that he periodically lays out in his novels.

including his recent book Methuselah's Lamp.

it's a lot about trading and dreaming

and the divine eye with its gaze or light animates everything in the world and beings become aware of the world and themselves through this light-gaze

at one point it describes an interesting dialogue between an FSB general and this divine eye

and then the main character too

all in all a very good take on Buddhism for a hybrid-postmodern novel


All in all a very good treatment of Buddhism for a hybrid-postmodern novel

you talk too much, the beast will come back and you'll have to do it all over again...

Generally speaking, since we are all in a "Plato's cave" we can do anything and even meditate on "divine light" (why not, if the human mind can think of countless unknowable things)
sometimes even knowledge can be gained through the denial of knowledge
we can do anything and even meditate on the "divine light".

There is no need to reflect and meditate in vain, you just have to tune your mind to a given object - the divine light - and through thought it can penetrate a person automatically.


there is no need to meditate and reflect in vain, it is enough to tune up the thought to the given object-divine light and through the thought it can automatically penetrate in the human being.

Hmmm, there is reason to believe that your dharmamatha touches the tathagatagarbha,

i recommend you to check your buddha thatha without delay.


Hmmm, there is reason to believe that your dharmamatha touches the tathagatagarbha,

I recommend that you check your buddha-thatha without delay.

so how did you manage to join the higher light or is the chattering still getting in the way?