Interesting and Humour - page 3179

Sergey Golubev:

Belgium has learned how to make beer from urine.
Time to short the euro.
СанСаныч Фоменко:

It seems to me that you are a typical idealist.

You cannot personally enforce your own rights in a big way. Your rights can only be secured by someone who has the power to use that power to protect your rights.

Today, human rights are measured solely by the thickness of one's wallet.

I am fascinated by the phrase: "If you disagree, you can go to court". That's why I know the exact prices - a civil trial is around 1 million, and I'm not talking about bribes. Without any bribes. Nowadays, if you don't have absolutely one million, one million that you can throw away, there's nothing to do in court.

what's the point? it's all general maxims, and about the courts for nothing, I know people who have even sued their fare for fare evasion without any millions )))))

Vladimir Suschenko:

The tastiest crucian carp in late autumn from cold water, around November, it is already fat for the winter, the meat is succulent and sweet. It is caught in the autumn mainly on a moth or a tube-shaped fish. The main thing is not to forget to collect "a gentleman's kit of fishermen" when going on a fishing trip:
- bread (preferably gray, you can also rye);
- saltshank with a slit;
- pickled barrel cucumbers (crispy);
- onions (cut the heads crosswise before using, but do not cut the tails off so that the quarters of the onions do not fall apart);
- And of course it is the most (it is chosen on the basis of personal preferences, but usually in the autumn goes well pertsovochka and was formerly "Special strong" 56 degrees, Dnipropetrovsk LGZ).
And of course, the fish is better caught in an atmosphere of healthy competition in a friendly group of like-minded ... :)

And where is the stinky ice cream?
Alexandr Saprykin:
Where's the stinky ice cream?
The moths have eaten
Sergey Golubev:
Sobriety is the first stage of alcoholism.
In Belgium, they have learned how to make beer from urine.
So it's about making water, not beer. It is essentially the same as desalination of seawater.
Yury Reshetov:
The moths have eaten
evil moth
Alexandr Saprykin:
Where's the stinky ice cream?
It'll come later when the gentleman's kit is over.
Wife: Vodka, juice, roast meat?
husband: What's the vodka for?

She: She's totally brain-dead. I ask - here's a piece of meat - shall I fry it for you?


Good morning.

The bus of the future has taken to the test route in China.

The first prototype of the TEB-1 gantry bus went on the road today in China.
The gantry bus runs on rails and most closely resembles a land-based catamaran. Thanks to the U-shaped structure, whose middle part is raised two meters above the ground, it literally drives over traffic jams.
And cars move underneath it in two rows. The prototype consists of one section 22m long, 7.8m wide and 4.8m high. The TEV-1 has a spacious passenger compartment with a capacity of 300 people, but the number of seating places is limited.
As part of the test, the 'gantry bus' was driven along a special route with passengers in the cabin. The developers of the project believe that their brainchild can transport people without interfering with traffic flow.
Social media users have already called the new type of transport "the bus of the future" and believe that it is an excellent solution to the transport problem in megacities.
