Interesting and Humour - page 24




From the bash

A kindergarten-aged boy is fidgeting on a bench in an electric train and frantically dangling his feet. Everything betrays his extremely excited indignation: his clenched little fists, his large eyes opened to tears, and the impatient short remarks with which he interrupts his older companion. The young woman, obviously the boy's mother, reads to him with expression a sombre scene from the tale: "Chipolino, Chipolino, my son! - called out, looking around confusedly, the poor old man as the soldiers led him away...".
- That's enough! - The boy's indignation had probably reached its limit. - Why do they put up with it?!
- Well, Prince Lemon has a big guard, an army..." mother smoothes out the page judiciously.
- But there are more of them! There are many of them! - The boy slams his little fist on the book in despair, and it slams shut. - What are they?!
The mother, a little startled by her son's outburst, is trying to find a soothing remark when the man opposite takes a break from his newspaper and, glancing over his glasses at the revolutionary-minded boy, utters a loud and clear message:
- Because they are vegetables. It's a tale about vegetables...


It should be written with a little addendum.

Dedicated to Belarusians...

No way. Our swamp is bigger and deeper. And what frogs we have

Plastic separately, paper separately


the information war continues.

google has every opportunity to prohibit winds users from accessing google :)