Interesting and Humour - page 2300

Физики разгадали тайну запутывания наушников в кармане: встречаются 120 типов узлов
Физики разгадали тайну запутывания наушников в кармане: встречаются 120 типов узлов
За те несколько секунд, в которые любители музыки могут вспомнить, как именно они получили свой первый iPod, наушники способны ужасно запутаться в сумке или кармане, образуя в условиях ограниченного пространства невероятные узлы и переплетения. Этот крайне раздражающий для меломанов момент, оказался очень познавательным для исследователей...
Как отправиться в кругосветное путешествие на мотоцикле / Репортажи / Моя Планета
Как отправиться в кругосветное путешествие на мотоцикле / Репортажи / Моя Планета
Готовиться к кругосветке мы начали с нуля: у нас не было ни мотоцикла, ни прав категории "А", ни денег на путешествие. Был только опыт: 4 месяца на мотоцикле по всей Индии и несколько авто-путешествий по Европе. Ясно было одно: ехать мы хотим только на мотоцикле. Мотоцикл — это настоящее свидание с миром, подлинное, уязвимое, экстремальное...

I've been working too hard.


What people who are dying regret

A nurse decided to write down what people regret before they die, and one of the most common regrets was 'I worked too hard'. If today were the last day of your life, what would you regret the most?
I wonder if I've had all five of those regrets for years... Am I dying?
I wonder if I've had all five of those regrets for a few years now... Am I dying?

I've been working too hard

---He who works too much has no time to make money! So said someone from a very affluent world...

I think it's somewhere in the Bible ... I couldn't find the quote in the book right now, sorry... it's something about 'hard work doesn't get you rich'...
Continued by the famous blogger, famous photographer and businessman Sergei Dol.

Now: Izhevsk.

Full post here.


The heart of Izhevsk and the eye of Glazov

St. Michael's Cathedral. It has the highest spire in the Volga region (62 metres):

On the left is the Kalashnikov Arms Museum:

And this is the town of Glazov:

read the full post here.

Новый Android и еще 9 возможных анонсов конференции Google I/O
Новый Android и еще 9 возможных анонсов конференции Google I/O
  • Олег Илюхин
Завтра, 25 июня, стартует конференция для разработчиков I/O, устраиваемая компанией Google каждый год. Есть все основания полагать, что в этом году мероприятие пройдет под знаком операционной системы Android, которую интернет-поисковик хочет поместить во все сферы повседневной жизни — в смартфоны, часы, телевизоры, дома и автомобили. Google...
Continued from renowned blogger, celebrity photographer and businessman Sergei Dol.

Now: Perm

Full post here.


Perm through the eyes of taxi driver

One of the oldest restaurants in the city:

Further - read full post here.


Chinese supercomputer is still the most powerful in the world, with Russia's best one in 42nd place

China's Tianhe-2 supercomputer is still the most powerful in the world. It once again topped the international Top500 ranking published on Monday. The list, which is updated twice a year, lists the world's 500 fastest computer systems.

The Chinese supercomputer was developed at the University of Defense Science and Technology of China's People's Liberation Army in Changsha (Hunan Province, Central China). Tianhe-2 achieves a performance of 33.86 petaflops. That means it performs 33.86 quadrillion computer operations per second. This is the third consecutive time this computer has topped the Top500 supercomputer ranking, first published in 1993.

Second place went to the American Titan from Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. It shows a performance of 17.59 petaflops. The third position is occupied by the American supercomputer Sequoia with the capacity of 17.17 petaflops.

According to the Top500 compilers, the top ten list is virtually unchanged from November 2013, when the previous ranking was presented. Of the ten most powerful computers in the world, six are in the USA, one each in China, Japan, Switzerland and Germany. All in all, the Top500 rating includes 233 supercomputers from the USA, 73 from China, 30 each from Great Britain and Japan, 27 from France, 23 from Germany.

Russia is represented in the global ranking by five computer systems, the most productive of which - Lomonosov Moscow State University supercomputer - has a capacity of 0.9 petaflops and takes the 42nd place.

China’s Tianhe-2 Supercomputer Retains Top Spot on 43rd Edition of the TOP500 List | TOP500 Supercomputer Sites
U.S. share of top supercomputers dips 15 percent, China increases its share by 20 percent LEIPZIG, Germany; BERKELEY, Calif.; and KNOXVILLE, Tenn.—For the third consecutive time, Tianhe-2, a supercomputer developed by China’s National University of Defense Technology, has retained its position as the world’s No. 1 system with a performance of...