Interesting and Humour - page 2306


What are thedifferences in taste and nutrition between white and brown eggs?

White and brown eggs do not differ in terms of taste, nutritional properties and shell strength. The colour of the shell is usually, though not always, dependent on the colour of the hen itself: white individuals lay white eggs,coloured ones lay brown eggs. Different prices for different coloured eggs in the shop are likely to be due to other parameters, such as size. The price may also depend on the traditions of a particular country. If housewives in a given region prefer to buy white eggs, brown eggs may cost more because their supply is limited, and vice versa.


Where is the restaurant where customers eat in total darkness?

In the Canadian cities of Toronto and Montreal, there are O.Noir restaurants whose entire staff are blind people. Diners here dine in complete darkness, which gives them a chance to experience more of the food through taste and smell in their lack of sight.


For what purpose was the vibrator invented?

The first vibrator was invented in the second half of the 19th century to treat so-called "womb rabies" (female hysteria) and was powered by a steam engine. The electric vibrator was marketed in the early 20th century and was one of the first electrified home appliances, surpassing the hoover and the iron.


When was the Earth's gravitational field weakened?

On April 1, 1976, English astronomer Patrick Moore riddled listeners on BBC Radio by announcing that a rare astronomical effect would happen at 9:47: Pluto would pass behind Jupiter, enter into a gravitational interaction with it and slightly weaken the Earth's gravitational field. If listeners jump up at this point, they should get a strange feeling. From 9:47 onwards, the BBC has received hundreds of calls telling stories of the strange feeling, with one woman even claiming she and her friends had been ripped out of their chairs and was flying around the room.


Why was one dog carried on a Stalinist overcoat in the Victory Parade?

During the Second World War, trained dogs were active in helping deminers clear mines. One of them, named Julbars, found more than 7000 mines and 150 shells while clearing mines in European countries in the last year of the war. Shortly before the Victory Parade in Moscow on 24 June, Dzhulbars was injured and could not pass as part of the school of military dogs. Stalin then ordered the dog to be carried around Red Square on his tunic.


Palau is a beautiful tropical paradise and one of the most unspoilt places on our planet.


A guy in Bishkek went up on the roof, pointed a projector at a neighbouring house and watched a football...

Continued by renowned blogger, renowned photographer and businessman Sergei Dol.

Now: Karabash town

Full post here.


Taganai, Vera Island and Karabash

"Today I want to show you something worth going to Chelyabinsk and the region for, namely the Big Stone River in Taganai Park, Vera Island on Lake Turgoyak and the town of Karabash, which has been on tours for a long time...

It took two hours to get to Taganai National Park from Chelyabinsk. It is forbidden to drive in the park by own cars. So to get to the Big Stone River we moved from our Toyota to ATVs: "

read the full post here.

A bot, just a bot.
Кокетливые боты. Как нас обманывают в интернете - BBC Russian - Наука и техника
Кокетливые боты. Как нас обманывают в интернете - BBC Russian - Наука и техника
Люди издавна мечтали об умных машинах, похожих на человека. Кажется, мечты сбылись, такие машины уже среди нас, но стоит ли радоваться по этому поводу? Иногда это обещание секса, на которое вы клюете, как на наживку. Иногда вы покупаетесь на то, что они кажутся мудрыми, доброжелательными или просто смешными. Боту все равно, как именно он вас...
Alexander Krasnotsvetov: "If you go to a foundation in America and just tell them your idea, you won't get anything.