Interesting and Humour - page 1436

In 1964, the famous sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov described what you would most likely see if you were suddenly at the World Expo 2014. Asimov's foresight 50 years ago turned out to be incredibly accurate and perhaps a little depressing. Here's where he turned out to be absolutely right:

"I thought people would continue to move further and further away from nature in their attempts to create an environment they liked better."

"Kitchen utensils will be developed that will cook 'automatic food', heat water and turn it into coffee.

"Whole lunches and dinners, consisting of half cooked meals, would be stored in the fridge until it's time to cook them."

"The 2014 appliances, of course, will not have any electrical wires.

"A lot of effort will be put into creating machines with 'robot brains'."

"More and more attention will be paid to transportation methods that have the least possible contact with the surface."

"By 2014, only unmanned craft will have landed on Mars, but a human expedition will be on the way, and we could already see a model of a Martian colony in 2014."

"In city centres we will see moving pavements for short distance travel."

"In 2014, it is very likely that the population of the Earth will reach 6.5 billion people and the population of the United States will be 350 million."

"Synchronised satellites hovering above the Earth will allow you to call directly anywhere on the planet."

"Communications will not only use sound, but also image, and you will be able to hear your conversation partner as well as see."

"At the 2014 World Expo, you will be able to see a full-size 3D TV in which you can watch a ballet performance."

"Robots in 2014 won't be ubiquitous or good enough yet, but they will already exist."

"There will be very few routine jobs in the world of 2014 that machines would not do better than any human. Humanity will thus become largely a race of look after the work."

"Under such conditions, boredom will become a serious problem for humanity."

"Those lucky enough to be involved in any kind of creative work will be the true elite of humanity, because only they will be doing more than servicing machines."

"And perhaps the bleakest prediction I can make about 2014 is that in a society of forced laziness, the most admired word in the human vocabulary will be 'Work'!"

You're scaring me. Have you bought a bunch of ASICs or something?

Just the one. No money for a lot :) we'll see. In fact, there are doubts that it will pay off if the price doesn't go up. I have a couple of interesting figures and articles on my blog in the last post.

Domestic and foreign cars(comparative photos)



Domestic and foreign cars(comparative photos)

We have never had a normal domestic car industry for the mass consumer.

47 seconds is the shortest scheduled commercial flight between the two Scottish islands of Westray and Papa Westray, which are just 2.7 kilometres apart and cost around $30 per passenger.

The Orkney Islands are north of the Scottish mainland.


It's not Enjoykin
