Interesting and Humour - page 628


Nice picture. Saved it, maybe I'll put it on my desktop.

Here's another candidate:

Why is the candidature without a secret (doesn't open)? )))

xxx: What do you think of the person who downloaded and ran the "Driver for your printer.ehe" ?


The hilarious thing about my job is the ever so convincingly astonished look in the eyes of a Jurist-educated boss when I comment that holiday pay should be given three days in advance. In them you can read the mute question, "How, how did you know that, you ghoul?"


Looking for books and articles on python. Now Yandex in contextual advertising offers to buy a python, inexpensively, with delivery.


- Hello! Do you make posters?
- Hello! No, we don't.
- How much does it cost?


Talking about catching a baseball by the fans:

xxx: What do these balls do? Ground force or something?
yyyy: not a bad souvenir of the game. In hockey they also take the puck as a souvenir. In football, no one will steal the ball. =)
zzz: You made a funny joke about hockey. The main thing is that your neighbour catches the puck.


- What's with the four brooms at your front door?
- That's the I.R.A. Battery!
- What is that, space defense?
- Anti-cat. The cat pissed on the door, but he's afraid of the brooms.



A man goes on a business trip with his secretary in the same compartment. She's on the top
bunk, he's on the bottom bunk. At night she hangs out of her bunk and wakes him up:
- I'm really cold, can you get me a blanket?
- Let's pretend we're married for the night!
- Oh, sure, let's!
- Then get the fucking blanket yourself!

It's a nice picture. I saved it, maybe I'll put it on my desktop.

Here's another candidate:

And mine ......

I wonder why.

An innocent autumn photo.

I don't get it.


Moderators, I'm not against removing the autumn leaf image by default. Obviously it defames the format of the forum and is blasphemy.

But I would like to understand the logic


Moderators, I'm not against removing the autumn leaf image by default. Obviously it defames the format of the forum and is blasphemy.

But I would like to understand the logic

show me in person or give me a link. because i did not see it, but as they said - it was very blatant :)
was very frank :)
Revealed what?
show me in person or give me the link. i have not seen it, but as they say, it was very candid :)

I did it from a different computer. Volodya writes that he saved it, please ask him for it.

Damn, a red sheet on top of the others with good bokeh. That's crazy.

Mischek 2012.10.17 14:13 2012.10.17 14:13:06 #

I had to use a different computer. Volodya says he saved it, ask him for it.

Man, the red leaf on top of the others with good bokeh. Fucking hell.


But when you click on it with the mouse, it reveals a stereo photo not even a leaf at all :)))