Interesting and Humour - page 3749

Nikolay Demko:

You should not generalize your one-time experience to everyone. If a man wants to go away, let him go and collect his own lumps. Other people's bumps (imho) for some reason do not help anyone. And all because experience needs to pass through itself. Learning someone else's experience from words is like smelling flowers through a gas mask.

Einstein is credited with saying that it's crazy to do the same thing over and over again, each time hoping for a new result.

If you don't succeed here, you can give up what you are doing and do something else. Or you can go somewhere else and try again.

In both cases the experiment is made with some changes. In a new place you breathe differently.

By the way sometimes even moving to another city helps (and moving to another country with another culture...).

So people who want to go back are the exception rather than the rule. As a rule, in a richer society, even a worthless person lives more decently than in a poorer one.

Although the question of "decent" or not, is more to do with perception of the world and not well-being.

In any society everything is balanced so that a person has to go to work. If it were not so, the janitors would not sweep, rubbish collectors would not take out the trash, cashiers would not punch the register and so on.

If it was like that, the sweepers wouldn't sweep, the garbage men wouldn't sweep, the cashiers wouldn't punch the till, etc. All people dream of working five years, making a buck and hanging out in the Maldives the rest of their lives. It's a beautiful dream but it's utopian.

If everybody earns money and goes to hang out, who will serve them? Who will produce goods for hanging out? And finally, who will treat a sore tooth or a diseased liver? Everyone has earned enough to hang on for the rest of their lives.

So it turns out that for everything to go round, the level of human need is just a little out of reach. it's like a carrot tied on a fishing rod in front of a donkey. And so we follow that carrot all our lives, no matter what country we live in. At the same time dragging the cart that is tied to us.

In absolute numbers we are richer than someone else, and someone else is even richer than us. But relative to the cost of living is almost the same everywhere. Everywhere you have to go to work every day to pay the bills. Everywhere the wages are such that you do not have enough money for everything you want and you have to optimize, you have to give something up.

It turns out that your inner state, your satisfaction with life, depends more than the salary or the country you live in.

Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.

Stories of failures in the relocation, replete with the facts when people move do not want to change, and that is why they went there in the big picture. And if you whine in a new country "they're all wrong, they don't live right", of course then it's better not to go.

I agree, a lot of right things have been said. Leo Tolstoy lived in the countryside and was quite content and did not seek to move somewhere to the metropolis. Krasnaya Polyana became world famous precisely because he lived there. This is indeed an example to confirm the proverb: it is not the place that makes the man, but the man's place.
I agree, a lot of right things have been said. Leo Tolstoy lived in the countryside and was quite content and did not seek to move somewhere to the metropolis. Krasnaya Polyana became world famous precisely because he lived there. Here is indeed an example to confirm the proverb: it is not the place that makes a man beautiful, but the man's place.

Leo Tolstoy is not a simple man. Why is it customary to consider how one lives in a country according to certain strata of society? The Tolstoys are just a minority, as well as today's "Tolstoys", albeit a lot less cultured, but with money and status. Revolutions do not start with the fat people, but when ordinary people are cornered in the literal sense. Of course, on the sly, this intense heat in society is always used by some floating scum screaming for freedom, but pregnant with even more tyranny. But it is the level of life of ordinary people that holds the linchpin.

And no matter how you develop small business, no matter how you pour money into it, like for development, if ordinary citizens do not have the purchasing power, then small business will bend.

No matter how creative you are in creating a new one, and citizens will spend the money on it, mainly the money that will be left afterwards on food and utilities and hospitals. The standard of living of citizens will not improve without decent jobs with good wages. They will not have decent wages without competitive products and markets to which they can be sold. They cannot make these products without high-tech factories and other things. Naturally, without technology. And technology has nowhere to come without brains. Buying technology in exchange for raw materials-as long as you build lines and factories for these technologies, it will be time to buy new ones, and your product is again not competitive.

Since it is very little, and the development vector can be set only by the top of the power, so how much not to give birth and carry children on lakes, as Andrew said, but .....

The standard of living - do not starve to death + pennies from above to make statistics slow but growing, they can artificially maintain it at the expense of trading in raw materials. Why do they need factories, so something is done for accountability.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
What you are now talking about is very much at odds with the socialist values you are promoting.
It's not propaganda, it's just memories of a brighter past.) Socialism has faded into oblivion, and with it socialist values. Under socialism there were no millionaires, and if there were, they were only underground. Women were less spoilt by money and contented themselves with little. When choosing a bridegroom, they were guided more by mutual sympathy than by the bridegroom's salary. Nowadays, money is in the first place and it is difficult for a poor man to find a woman and create a family. That is why they are often satisfied with one-off prostitutes.
Socialism has gone by the wayside, and with it socialist values. Under socialism there were no millionaires, and if there were, only underground ones. Women were less spoilt by money and contented themselves with little. When choosing a bridegroom, they were guided more by mutual sympathy than by the bridegroom's salary. Nowadays, money is in the first place, and it is difficult for a poor man to find a woman. That is why they are often satisfied with one-off prostitutes.

Nature has arranged it so - it experiments on men, creates a greater variety of genetic combinations, so some men are left out - alas, such is life. You hit on a good point. But... we don't have prostitution. There was none at all in the USSR and now there is an active fight against prostitution. What to do? There's only one option - the army - go and kill yourself. And now there's another option - the monastery - go and sing "God Save the Tsar". How's that for you? And in some countries prostitution is legal. This is where you can begin to understand the difference between a humane society and an idiotic one.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Nature arranged it so - it experiments on men, creates a greater variety of genetic combinations, so some men are left out - alas such is life. You hit on a good point. But... we don't have prostitution. There was none at all in the USSR and now there is an active fight against prostitution. What to do? There's only one option - the army - go and kill yourself. And now another option - a monastery - go and sing "God Save the Tsar". How's that for you? And in some countries prostitution is legal. This is where you can begin to understand the difference between a humane society and an idiotic one.

The whole idea about nature is correct, but it's not about genetics, or rather it's not so much about the genetics of men. In fact, diversity is present in both sexes. Moreover, all embryos are conceived by women, and only at some point, depending on many factors, the Y-chromosome may or may not play a role.

And it's about testosterone and estrogen. Estrogen changes a man's mindset to that of a woman, i.e. more down-to-earth and at the same time more emotional. Testosterone changes the female mindset to more aggression, an attack in dealing with any issues, in general you could say more experimental behaviour.

All the above is proven by "British scientists" from observations of some individuals of Homo sapiens species with a bullying called transgender.

SZZ By the way some hysterics of quite reasonable people present at this forum looks like lack of testosterone ))))

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Nature has arranged it so - it experiments on men, creates a greater variety of genetic combinations, so some men are left out - alas, such is life. You hit on a good point. But... we don't have prostitution. There was none at all in the USSR and now there is an active fight against prostitution. What to do? There's only one option - the army - go and kill yourself. And now there's another option - the monastery - go and sing "God Save the Tsar". How's that for you? And in some countries prostitution is legal. This is where you can begin to understand the difference between a humane society and an idiotic one.

Kind of illogical for a proger. On the contrary, there will be fewer genetic combinations if some men are left out.

I agree, prostitution should be legalised, prostitutes should pay taxes to the state, not gangsters.

Well it's not all so gloomy, the military specialties are now attracting a lot of young people, the army has become popular due to its good provision and equipment. Soldiers are now engaged in combat training, not building summer houses for generals. And even taking Syria into account, losses are not great. There are many more casualties on roads, construction sites and workshops.

That's not what worries me. Higher education should be free for high-achieving young people from poor families. And we have too few state-funded places in higher education. This, I believe, is a significant shortcoming of our society.


Kind of illogical for a proger. On the contrary, there will be fewer genetic combinations if some men are left out.

I agree prostitution should be legalised, prostitutes should pay taxes to the state, not gangsters.

Well it is not all so gloomy, military professions are now attracting many young people, the army has become popular due to its good provision and equipment. Soldiers are now engaged in combat training, not building summer houses for generals. And even taking Syria into account, losses are not great. There are many more casualties on roads, construction sites and workshops.

That's not what worries me. Higher education should be free for high-achieving young people from poor families. And we have too few state-funded places in higher education. This, I believe, is a significant flaw in our society.

Yep, already you can see the division into Archies and Mechs, as in Andre Norton's Star Guardian.

"StarGuardis a fantasy novel by American writerAndre Norton, published in 1955.


Mankind has entered space, which finds itself divided among other space races, united in an organization of Central Control. In an effort to curb the Earthlings' aggression, Central Control gave them a single role in galactic life - that ofmercenaries.

The Earth warriors were divided into hordes of 'archies' and legions of 'mechs', who were at the service of any ruler of the galactic planets. The Archies, armed with edged weapons and air rifles, and the Mechs, with their advanced combat equipment, became Earth's onlyexport product...


Kind of illogical for a proger. On the contrary, there will be fewer genetic combinations if some men are left out.

I agree, prostitution should be legalised, prostitutes should pay taxes to the state, not gangsters.

Well it's not all so gloomy, the military specialties are now attracting a lot of young people, the army has become popular due to its good provision and equipment. Soldiers are now engaged in combat training, not building summer houses for generals. And even taking Syria into account, losses are not great. There are many more casualties on roads, construction sites and workshops.

That's not what worries me. Higher education should be free for high-achieving young people from poor families. And we have too few state-funded places in higher education. This, I believe, is a significant flaw in our society.

Brrr... you should read something on the subject. In addition to inheriting genes from parents there are mutations. With these mutations on men, nature is more actively experimenting. It wasn't my idea.
Nikolay Demko:

...In fact, diversity is present in both sexes....

I didn't come up with the diversity thing.
Alexander Laur:

You should get some rest. You must be very tired, so you see either death or a monastery. Another interesting conclusion: if prostitution were legalised, society would go from "idiotic" to "humane".

"Work is not a wolf, it won't run away into the woods."

Can you write something to argue for it?