Interesting and Humour - page 246


// not included in the cartoon from the book (((


"Is it really all over so quickly? - thought Donkey.
Will the summer end, the Bear die and winter will come? Why can't it
be forever: me, summer and Little Bear?
Summer will die before everyone else, summer is already dying. Summer believes in
believes in something. That's why it dies so bravely. Summer doesn't feel any pity for himself -
It knows something. It knows that it will come again! It will die for a little while,
and then it will be born again. It will die again... It's used to it. Well, if only
I'm used to dying and being born. How sad and how fun it is..."
The bear cub rustled with fallen leaves.
- What are you thinking about? - he asked.
- Я?.. Lie down, lie down," said the donkey.
Now he began to remember how they had met,
how they ran through the forest in the pouring rain, how they sat down to rest and how Little Bear
then said:
- Really, we will always be?
- We will.
- Really, we'll never be apart?
- Of course we will.
- Really, we'll never have to
to break up?
- It can't be!
And now Bear was lying on the fallen leaves with his head bandaged
his head, and blood was coming out on the bandage.
"How can that be? - thought Donkey. How can it be,
that some oak tree broke Little Bear's head? How is it that he fell
exactly when we were walking under it?"
A stork flew in.
- Better?" he asked.
The donkey shook his head.
- How sad! - the stork sighed and stroked the Little Bear
with his wing.
The donkey thought again. Now he was thinking about
to bury Little Bear so that he would come back like summer. "I'm going to bury him on
high mountain," he decided, "so that there would be lots of sunshine around,
and the river flowing below. I will water him with fresh water and every day I will loosen
...every day. Then it will grow. And if I die, he'll do the same, -
and we'll never die..."
- Listen," he said to Little Bear, "don't be afraid.
You'll grow again in the spring.
- Like a tree?
- Yes. I'll water you every day. And loosen
the soil.
- And you won't forget?
- No!
- Don't forget," said Little Bear.
He was lying with his eyes closed, and if his nostrils weren't fluttering a little
his nostrils fluttered, one would have thought he was dead.
Now the donkey was not afraid. He knew that to bury
meant planting it like a tree.


It's like a gravitsapa.


It's like a gravitsapa.

Not a gravitsapa, but an autogyro aircraft with an inactive propeller. The first vertics were like that back in the 20s and 30s of the last century. So everything new is well forgotten old :)
Not a gravitsapa, but an autogyro aircraft with an inactive bearing propeller. The first vertiki were like that back in 20s and 30s of the last century. So everything new is well-forgotten old :)

then the pepelats

what a bummer for the cops ))

Mischek: then the pepelats

Nope, here's the pepelats:

Mischek: that's a bummer for the cops.)

Going 300 km/h on a motorbike
