Errors, bugs, questions - page 502


Our demo server MetaQuotes-Demo is GMT+1 with Daylight Saving Time enabled.

The vast majority of forex brokers use GMT+1 (summer time is different) or GMT+2 with Daylight Saving Time off.

Pardon - and on Friday the 26th it was GMT+0, at least look at the close.
Yes, it was GMT+0 on Friday on Metaquotes-Demo, that's the weird thing.
Yes, on Friday it was GMT+0 on Metaquotes-Demo.

On Friday an update from Microsoft came out which changed the Russian daylight saving time - this caused the time on the computer to change abruptly.

We have promptly corrected it.


On Friday an update from Microsoft came out which changed the Russian daylight saving time - this caused the time on the computer to change abruptly.

We corrected this promptly.

Thanks, but apart from that error (it was the GMT+0 on Friday, which was due to computer problems) the rest of the time was and will be Central European? I apologise for the annoyance.
Thanks, still, apart from this error (it is an error - that Friday was GMT+0, due to computer faults) all other times were and will be Central European? I apologise for the annoyance.
Yes, GMT+1 with Daylight Saving Time.

%1 is not a valid Win32 application. -- is it?

Yes. Submit your request, we'll take care of it.

FileUnlimitedTest (EURUSD,H1) Cannot open '<...>\MQL5\Libraries\TheXpert\FileUnlimited\FileUnlimitedWide.ex5' (193)

File is available. It's compiled with the build it's currently in.

What is error 193? I'm assuming it's a gaffe on my part, but I can't find it. Or to Service Desk?


%1 is not a valid Win32 application. -- is it?

Better, of course, to Service Desk with sources.

tell me what the problem is...


Itell the advisorto only trade at 00 minutes... but it trades all the time

Please post the code where you tell the EA to do this.

Good afternoon!

Please help me to understand

I have a simple script

void OnStart()
    int h;
    int    m_integer  = 23;
    string m_string   = "EURUSD";
    double m_double   = 1.2345678;    

After it works, the file is created, but after each character it writes '.' (code '00').

It looks like this:

CSV file in hexadecimal mode

Accordingly, the file size is twice as big as it's supposed to be.

Am I doing something wrong?


Am I doing something wrong?

No, there is nothing wrong. You can change the code page to CP_ACP. And the dots are the editor's replacement of invalid characters.