Errors, bugs, questions - page 50


That is, you said that everything matches and you corrected the EA code. But in fact, nothing matches and you need to correct the code of the indicator (to build synchronization into it).

If you get two series of data, relating to different financial instruments, then you have to compare these data yourself. The terminal does not think anything for you, it just gives you what it has.


If you receive two series of data relating to different financial instruments, you have to compare the data yourself. The terminal doesn't make it up for you, it just gives you what it has.

I was sure for some reason that MT5 synchronizes minutiae on paging, now I can't find the place where I read that. I probably read it the way I wanted to read it.

And logically I can't understand why you wouldn't make the story without holes. But yes it has been discussed more than once...


Question for those who have the 64bit build 292 installed.

Check if the terminal starts from the editor by F4. I.e. the sequence is as follows...

1 Start the terminal

2 Press F4 and start the editor

3 Close terminal

4 In the editor press F4.

Does the editor open, that is the question?


Question for those who have 64bit build 292 installed.

Check if the terminal starts from the editor by F4. I.e. the sequence is as follows...

There was an error in the 64 bit version, already fixed - will be in the next build on Monday.

Question for those who have the 64bit build 292 installed.

Check if the terminal starts from the editor by F4. I.e. the sequence is as follows...

1 Start the terminal

2 Press F4 and start the editor

3 Close terminal

4 In the editor press F4.

Does the editor open, that is the question?

The first 3 items go through, from the editor by F4 and by selecting an item from the context menu, the terminal does not start.

Перваые 3 пункта проходят, из редактора по F4 и по выбору пункта из контекстного меню терминал не запускается. 

Thank you all, all seems to be cleared up, waiting for an update and Monday.

Why does OnTick() brazenly interfere with other functions???(is it the smartest???)

I wrote a script that chases balls in a circle (or rather along the perimeter of a square).

The script loads a bunch of graf.obekty in the form of background after chelo work with 3 volatile.

But here's the trouble, all works well only offline, and goes into tatters at the arrival of a new tick.

And there is no hint at any kind of tick handling in the script.

I'll even say more, OnTick() affects counting array of graph objects and causes a failure and in the end leads to impossibility to correctly delete everything.

When porting the code to the EA, the situation doesn't change - everything works fine during the tick interval but fails when a new tick arrives.

It gives the impression that the tick is an event of universal scale,

I will not be able to stop working and shout "EEEDUUT", so I will go and check what's going on.

Therefore I have some doubts that I can teach NS normally (in real time) using mql5.

The script and EA files are attached.

monitor.mq5  11 kb
eju8w12ug0.mq5  12 kb

Why does OnTick() brazenly interfere with other functions???(is it the smartest???)

I wrote a script that chases balls in a circle (or rather along the perimeter of a square).

The script loads a bunch of graf.obekty in the form of background after chelo work with 3 volatile.

But here's the trouble, everything works fine only offline, and goes into tatters at the arrival of a new tick.

And in the script there is no hint at any processing of the tick.

I have checked your codes and didn't find anything of the kind. Maybe you could attach pictures (or video) and provide some additional details?

Apparently, you have some other software running which interferes with the layout of the graphical objects.


Why does OnTick() brazenly interfere with other functions???(is it the smartest???)

I wrote a script that chases balls in a circle (or rather along the perimeter of a square).

The script loads a bunch of graf.obekty in the form of background after chelo work with 3 volatile.

But here's the trouble, all works well only offline, and goes into tatters at the arrival of a new tick.

And there is no hint in the script at any processing of the tick.

I'll even say more, OnTick() affects counting array of graphical objects and causes a failure and in the end it leads to impossibility to correctly delete everything.

When porting the code to the EA, the situation doesn't change - everything works fine during the tick interval and fails when a new tick comes.

I get the impression that the arrival of a tick is an event of universal proportions,

I'd like all of you to quit your work and shout "EEEDUUUT" and go and see what's wrong.

I have some doubts that I could normally train NS in mql5 (in realtime).

I attach files of script and EA.

? How it is manifested - "it goes abruptly at the arrival of a new tick", what happens?


Why does OnTick() brazenly interfere with other functions???(is it the smartest???)

When a tick comes to the client terminal, it must be applied in several places at once - in market overview, in history, in open charts. And the indicators are recalculated. What do you want?

If you have a single core, and charts are open to the maximum, then of course, the implementation of other components will slow down - resources must be shared.

Generally, a strange way of putting it. What does OnTick() have to do with it and how does it break the work of other functions?

Документация по MQL5: Операции с графиками / ChartOpen
Документация по MQL5: Операции с графиками / ChartOpen
Операции с графиками / ChartOpen - Документация по MQL5