Errors, bugs, questions - page 1054

Checking the writing of a message from an android.
Hello, I have such a problem I can not connect to trading signals!!!! I registered on three dealing centres, tried on five Metatrader and 4 and 5, I have an account in mql, signals tab remains empty at repeated attempts to connect. The log tab shows record 2013.09.02 04:16:34 Signal '20062354': failed to connect to server -, maybe someone has already tried something like this????

class A
   int t;
class B : public A
   int f( A& a );
int B::f( A& a )
   t = 100;       // Всё в порядке
   int s = a.t;   // protected member access error
   return s;

Is it a mistake or did you do it that way on purpose?

Скорее всего какая то ошибка!!! Какой смысл мне это делать специально???? Я уже неделю не могу подключится к сигналам в МТ, к тому же во вкладке маркет у меня отображаются советники, но загрузить не один из них не удается. При скачивании программа пишет что установить не удалось!!!!!

A glitch in runtime mode. This is a program fragment:

if(i_Trace==1) Alert(__FUNCTION__ ," !!! Chain Algorithm mode. By magic passed.");


if(i_Trace==1) Alert(__FUNCTION__," !!! Chain algorithm mode. last trade dPosProf= ", dPosProf);

if(i_Trace==1) Alert(__FUNCTION__," ! Mode chain algorithm. Lastdealtime DEAL_TIME= ", HistoryDealGetInteger(deal_ticket,DEAL_TIME));

Appropriate output in the log:

2013.09.02 23:27:14 2008.01.07 18:30:00 Alert: fnbBuyVolCalc !!! Chain algorithm mode. Passed by magician.

2013.09.02 23:27:142008.01.07 18:30:00Alert: fnbBuyVolCalc !!! Chain Algorithm mode. Last tradeDEAL_TIME= 1199362498

I can't understand why there is no profit withdrawal?

Regards, borislg

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Именованные константы / Предопределенные макроподстановки
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Именованные константы / Предопределенные макроподстановки
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Именованные константы / Предопределенные макроподстановки - Документация по MQL5

I can't understand why there is no profit withdrawal?

Regards, borislg
Документация по MQL5: Торговые функции / HistorySelect
Документация по MQL5: Торговые функции / HistorySelect
Торговые функции / HistorySelect - Документация по MQL5

Is it a mistake or did you do it that way on purpose?

There is no contradiction here, otherwise B would have access to C.t as shown below, while B is not derived from C
class C : public A {
C c;
B b;
b.f( c );
Thanks for the quick reply. But the error here, I think, is not with function calls, note that the time is displayed, but with the Alert statement, which is displayed and not. Maybe you can give a more specific explanation? The fragment is very short... Thanks in advance.


Please advise how to contact the developers regarding bugs in MT5 ?



Please advise how to contact the developers regarding bugs in MT5 ?

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