Errors, bugs, questions - page 1053


And I'm looking - I'm fine ...

PS ... Yes, it's not looking for something :

An error occurred. Please try again later.

It's fixed. You just have to wait sometimes.

It's been a few days now that Search on the site has been working like a dime a dozen. Am I right in assuming that there is some work going on on the site that is causing the search to fail?

Yes, a very big upgrade of the search engine has been done in the last 2 days.

It has already been completed.


Yes, a very big upgrade of the search engine was done in the last 2 days.

It's all finished now.

The most important thing is that they made it for the old android version. Now you can write, which I am doing. Thank you
Why is the signal information stalled and not updated?
why is the signal information stagnant and not updated?
The signal information is up.
Signal info is up.
They are upgrading the site. My signal is not stable too. I have to wait until it is finished.

Simple class and structure declaration.

class A;   // Ok
struct B;  // 'B' - struct cannot be predefined

That doesn't work with structures.

Here's an example.

class A
    A *aPtr;

struct B
    B *bPtr;
// 'B' - class type expected
// 'B' - struct undefined

All together.

class A;
struct B;

class A
    A *aPtr;

struct B
    B *bPtr;
// 'B' - struct cannot be predefined
// 'B' - must be a class type, not struct

A bug, a feature?

Is there any explanation for this?


A simple class and structure declaration.

This doesn't work with structures.


Another example...


And all together.

Bug or a bug?

Is there some explanation for that?

A bug. Pointers to structures are not defined in the language. Only to classes.

So we don't want life to be sweet... So that people wouldn't get carried away and complain. Pointers are not real, so they're slow.

But if you don't count on speed, they are handy in many cases.


I'd like to hear a few words from the developers about my previous post.

And are there plans to make templates work like in the pros?

template<typename T>
class Base
        T item;
        template<typename T>
        T getVal() const
                return item;
        template<typename T>
        T setVal(T val)
                item = val;
                return item;

I'd like to hear a few words from the developers about my previous post.


I'd like to hear a few words from the developers about my previous post.

And are there plans to make templates work like in the pros?

I'd like to hear a few words from the developers about my previous post.

The plan is