Paypal Withdrawal not Available - page 12

When you email support they just have auto responses to "use webmoney or credit card" without anybody at mql5 support realizing that these methods do not work from the United States.

Create a ticket in service desk and report your problem properly - which cards you tried, what errors you got, if you contacted the banks or not, etc.

Withdrawals to cards work for most users.

Soon we are going to add withdrawals to bank accounts.
Alexey Petrov:

Create a ticket in service desk and report your problem properly - which cards you tried, what errors you got, if you contacted the banks or not, etc.

Withdrawals to cards work for most users.

Soon we are going to add withdrawals to bank accounts.

I have my ticket service with out response from you since 2nd March, yes great service!

Sergio D. Rocha:

I have my ticket service with out response from you since 2nd March, yes great service!

We will update it once we get information from the payment system.

Alexey Petrov:


Soon we are going to add withdrawals to bank accounts.

That would be great!

I believe that MetaQuotes/MQL5 can provide it.


Alexey Petrov:

Create a ticket in service desk and report your problem properly - which cards you tried, what errors you got, if you contacted the banks or not, etc.

Withdrawals to cards work for most users.

Soon we are going to add withdrawals to bank accounts.

I really liked this part " Soon we are going to add withdrawals to bank accounts".

I hope it works for all the nations.


Alexey Petrov:

Create a ticket in service desk and report your problem properly - which cards you tried, what errors you got, if you contacted the banks or not, etc.

Withdrawals to cards work for most users.

Soon we are going to add withdrawals to bank accounts.

Hi Alexey,  so withdrawal to bank account should mean that we no longer need to pay a percentage fee as well right?

best regards

Alexey Petrov:

Create a ticket in service desk and report your problem properly - which cards you tried, what errors you got, if you contacted the banks or not, etc.

Withdrawals to cards work for most users.

Soon we are going to add withdrawals to bank accounts.

Withdrawal cards do not work for any customers in the United States. There are many support pages in this forum of users from the United States that have attempted it and all of them without fail get this error:   "Bank cards payment system has rejected the withdrawal operation." When we call the bank, the banks either do not understand how to help or do not see an incoming deposit. We communicate with your service desk and receive the same response: "Try a different card" or "If you tried a visa, try a mastercard now." That's as far as Mql5 support goes to solve the problem.  Not 1 single user from the United States has ever had success withdrawing to card.  We have no way of withdrawing funds to this country. 

suggestion:  reenable paypal.  It works and we are all happy to use it.  You will keep all your customers and your company will continue to thrive.  Any fees are paid by us on the paypal transfer.  So even if paypal raises their fees, those fees are paid by us instead of Mql5.


Provide a proven method for credit card withdrawals that works for the United States.  Something proven by Mql5 to work already because it has been tested successfully in the United States by one of your admins or a moderator.  This will probably require an agreement between Mql5 and this specific bank for incoming deposits from your country.  Once the agreement is done and test is successful, you can state in your help guide: "If you are a customer at the United States, open an account with this bank 'Bank_tested_by_ Mql5'. We have an agreement with that bank to accept deposits from Mql5 in our country.  Have the bank mail you a physical debit card. Use that card for withdrawals."

We will all open accounts at that bank and get their card.

It might even be a foreign bank at another country which services United States clients and is able to mail us  a debit card to our country.  That would work too.

Thank you for helping us.  Thank you for everything you do.  We love your company and want you to thrive.

Alexey Petrov:

Create a ticket in service desk and report your problem properly - which cards you tried, what errors you got, if you contacted the banks or not, etc.

Withdrawals to cards work for most users.

Soon we are going to add withdrawals to bank accounts.

Thanks, finally a wise step,  Banks works for everybody 

Paul Anscombe:

Hi Alexey,  so withdrawal to bank account should mean that we no longer need to pay a percentage fee as well right?

best regards

With Bank withdrawal fees maybe high on Wire transfer costs on both sides , via Banks cheapest way is  ACH (Automated Clearing House) few cents or free 

The Bank Withdrawal method will be a $1,000 minimum is what they are telling me now. That is ridiculous too. Getting frustrated.....