There certainly is a Holy Grail! - page 11


Chris, if I were to have had a good system, I would not be here on this forum. I would be enjoying the fruits of such a system without the need to come here to learn more about such a system. I am not there, yet. :-)

I don´t want everyone to say that I have a good system. That´s not what I am after.  See above. :-)

I don´t want to prove that I have a good system. See above. :-)

What I am saying is that I am not 100% convinced that a manual trading Holy Grail is impossible. That´s all I am saying. 

I understand you, I do agree that one can be a manual trader and win in every single trade, provide that they follow their winning strategy's rules and are well disciplined to it.

Marco vd Heijden:

I was just trying to get two simple points across.

  • 1. It is impossible to predict the future.
  • 2. It might not be needed to predict the future, in order to make a profit.

These two things imply that you are trying to achieve the impossible, while at the same time it is not needed.

So you can do two things.

  • Continue to try and predict the future, which is impossible, or
  • Trying to find out how to make a profit, without trying to predict the future.

Trying to predict the future itself is not impossible, it's just impossible to succeed at the task.


"Trying to predict the future itself is not impossible, it's just impossible to succeed at the task. "

I disagree on your opinion, a farmer doesn't know if he will sell all the milk he produces, he takes the risk, based on technical analysis of the past, then he knows how much he probably will sell. A trader is not a different case, he studies the past, and takes the risk,

if he's smart enough, it's possible to predict the future enough to make profit, using the same technical analysis


 it's possible to predict the future

No it's not.

And it's not a opinion, it's a fact. 

Marco vd Heijden:

No it's not.

And it's not a opinion, it's a fact. 

Jump from the top of this tower, you'll die.

Icham Aidibe:

Jump from the top of this tower, you'll die.

Not if i bring my parachute because i predicted that i was going to die.

It's a meaningless discussion.

Those who claim that they can predict the future, are trading a demo account... what is wrong here ?

Marco vd Heijden:

Not if i bring my parachute because i predicted that i was going to die.

It's a meaningless discussion.

Those who can predict the future are trading a demo account... what is wrong here ?

It's alright. You predict you're going to die, you bring a parachute. 

The real 50%-50% doesn't exist in trading : there's always underlying parameters making a direction more probable than the other - whether you're aware or not of this information. 

Some just suppose it's gambling because it's a button or another.


That has got nothing to do with whether it is possible to predict the future or not.

There can be one or there can be a million underlying parameters, it still stay's the same.

Now the best way to predict the future, is to create it.

If you have enough capital, you can take on very large positions, and move market.

Still this is not predicting the future, which is impossible, but it comes a bit closer to creating it.

Of course this only works on a real account and not a demo... a significant difference to say the least.
Marco vd Heijden:

That has got nothing to do with whether it is possible to predict the future or not.

There can be one or there can be a million underlying parameters, it still stay's the same.

Now the best way to predict the future, is to create it.

If you have enough capital, you can take on very large positions, and move market.

Still this is not predicting the future, which is impossible, but it comes a bit closer to creating it.

Of course this only works on a real account and not a demo... a significant difference to say the least.

Okay. It's 5 march 2017. This is the actual weather in Paris, France. 

I predict that in in summer (July, August), it'll be more than 15. It's future, it's more than 3 months.

Does this make of me a Nostradamus ? A Future Creator ?!

C'mon Mr Moderator !


It's impossible to predict the future.

I dont care how many examples you come up with. 

And if your so sure give me the closing price of EURUSD on 1 Apr '18

Guessing starts here .....

Want to look at the chart ? take your time.

Sergey Golubev:

It is the forum about Eas, trading systems, indicators and "Holy Grails".
And there will be Christmas soon ...
So, if you have "Holy Grail" - post it here and the people will be happy
[i am joking ... Christmas will not be soon]

If someone can get Holy Grail system then every day will be Christmas ...