Blessing 2 - page 181

123156789 mm-true?

No, 0.01 lot only. MM false



Ok. you should divide your trades on 2 side,UP & DOWN. It is how you survive. You must not to be on one way only!

Make 2 blessings with different magic.

add normal set & modify functions because blessing functions are not reliable.

Put 2 ae on 2 grafs.EURUSD ONLY.

Dont use mm. dont change laf,gaf,mult,autocalc-true.

One trades only up another down,each use macd or ao indicator,no mean. last 3 bars .

with 2000usd deposite makes 500-600usd monthly lot-0.01,10c-pip.


picture is real one month result. be sure.

all downs are my f*cking hands. dont do like me.

be happy.


If you are trading 10c pip than you need more margin when you get to the DD. 2 months is nothing if you are trading only one pair. Seems like you are start trading 20c grid. but the Iron's high risk would be like 10c with 2500USD account. Any comments any1?

No, 0.01 lot only. MM false



George, does that statment include ONLY the original blessing or does it show the stoch version too?


If you are trading 10c pip than you need more margin when you get to the DD. 2 months is nothing if you are trading only one pair. Seems like you are start trading 20c grid. but the Iron's high risk would be like 10c with 2500USD account. Any comments any1?

I agree with u Togu.Might work for a while, but big waves are always next door ... (we knows).NFP is nearby.Vlad might need 2 gallons smirnov to stop his shaking hands

"1234567 ..=)(&//&$% ...zxcvbvvfh" (Vlad quote).Good luck to him anyway.

2 thumbs up to George great results on multi-pairs.

I also agree that Stoch approach using Blessing reduce profit. I would prefer to see a new mod with a trailing profit instead ...just imagine a 7th level coming back 150 pips... I think that Fifthelement would rather apreciate to code this instead of looking for the nonsense best entry for Blessing.

This thread is all about sharing experiences and ideas, not

to say everybody , look my (recent) results and cry ...mmm.



I also agree that Stoch approach using Blessing reduce profit. I would prefer to see a new mod with a trailing profit instead ...just imagine a 7th level coming back 150 pips... I think that Fifthelement would rather apreciate to code this instead of looking for the nonsense best entry for Blessing.

This thread is all about sharing experiences and ideas, not

to say everybody , look my (recent) results and cry ...mmm.


What an excellent idea. Pipmaker has a trailing profit feature which can be useful. But there have been times when I have seen my blessing trades close out in a profit - but had they stayed open, I would have gained even more pips! Lets see if the programmers can wave their wand for us!

What an excellent idea. Pipmaker has a trailing profit feature which can be useful. But there have been times when I have seen my blessing trades close out in a profit - but had they stayed open, I would have gained even more pips! Lets see if the programmers can wave their wand for us!

James , glad to know you share my thinkings.Pipmaker V15 with trailing profits ... was exactly what inspired me ...





Hi all

Isn't this (yet another) martingale EA - inevitably doomed to blow you up sooner or later no matter how you tweek it?

Many thanks

Hi all

Isn't this (yet another) martingale EA - inevitably doomed to blow you up sooner or later no matter how you tweek it?

Many thanks

Yes it is ... we all here, in this thread, are happy beleavers that we can take The "inevitably" under control for real and constant profits.This one (Blessing) is peculiar, this is why there is over 180 pages replies and experiences.How long we will stay in the game ? Well , depends on your starting equity and how greed and agressive you are.

I am in , since last January.


Hi all

Isn't this (yet another) martingale EA - inevitably doomed to blow you up sooner or later no matter how you tweek it?

Many thanks

There is risk in Forex, no matter how you do it. So far, my

live account has survived seven months, without any

blow-ups. No EP hits, either. My other live account almost

took an EP hit, but managed to come out of the situation

in good shape.

With good risk/money management, I believe Blessing can

be one of the best Forex strategies. Sure, manual trading

offers more control, but I don't have the luxury of sitting in

front of a monitor several hours per day.
